

Started by January 10, 2018 03:20 PM
3 comments, last by Shnoutz 6 years, 8 months ago


I am looking for an algorithm that takes as input a point cloud and generates a list tetrahedrons (Delaunay?).

I would like to use said tetrahedrons as a mean to interpolate the point cloud values at given points in space.

Can anyone point me toward some resources?


You could look at TetGen:

There should be many papers around as well, personally i often come across the harder problem of hexagonal remeshing, here tetrahedralization is usually done as a preprocess and researchers often mention the use of TetGen for this.

However i know a guy why tried it and was not happy about robustness and mainly license.


Oh, check this out:, 'Robust Hex-Dominant Mesh Generation using Field-Guided Polyhedral Agglomeration', there's paper and code on github. This is hex (cubes), but you could just convert to tetras. I assume  it's maybe not suited for very low-poly alike requirements.


I found this:

Geometric tools FTW!

This is exactly what I needed.

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