
Star Explorers - Early Access release on Steam

Started by May 16, 2017 05:00 AM
-1 comments, last by Michael Klaus Schmidt 7 years, 4 months ago

My project of several years has finally seen the light of day. Check out Star Explorers on Steam - Early Access:


Having Steam's community to interact with has been great. I've been getting wonderful feedback and some nice suggestions. I've found it really helps to have an active audience when you are developing a game. I hope you will consider checking it out too.

Earth is gone ... Humanity is faced with extinction ... Our only hope is to find another world. Star Explorers is a game that randomly generates a galaxy. Each star and and celestial object can be scanned and added to an ever expanding database, every planet can be landed on and explored. The character can buy, sell and upgrade equipment. Every planet is different, depending on its size, atmosphere, temperature based on the type of star it's orbiting and it's distance from that star. Many worlds are too hot, too cold or otherwise too hazardous to support life. But when conditions are right, some planets can become home to numerous aliens, both friendly and hostile to interact with along the way.
Screen capture of actual gameplay

Check out "Star Explorers" on Steam: Early Access

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