
Free audio asset resource

Started by April 03, 2017 04:06 AM
-1 comments, last by SuperGoodSound 7 years, 5 months ago

Hey guys,

I've been doing sound design and music production for quite a while and recently decided to release a lot of my music under an unlimited-use, zero-attribution, and zero cost license. You can find everything here:

Free Commercial Music

I am the sole creator/composer/producer/mix engineer of all the content contained on that site and am very careful to only utilize properly licensed content sources and properly licensed software so you don't need to worry about legality/licensing concerns. You are free to monetize as you wish with any of the material you download from there (both .wav and .mp3 are available). See the FAQ for more details. I'll be planning on adding a few hundred pieces within the next month and then I'll add an SFX section.

Feedback would be wonderful. Thanks!


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