
[GREENLIGHT] Relic : Tale of the Undead Princess, retro 2D action-adventure

Started by March 10, 2017 02:12 PM
2 comments, last by LGV 7 years, 4 months ago

Hi all,

I am here to present Relic : Tale of the Undead Princess, a retro 2D action-adventure game. On the menu : Greenlight, trailers, playable demo and upcoming release !



The princess is dead... But she is back ! The last hope against evil forces. Help her explore the realm and succeed where all heroes have failed.

Relic : Tale of the Undead Princess is a retro 2D action-adventure game, with a fine blend of exploration, puzzles, secrets and challenges !


Support the Princess on Steam > Relic on Greenlight <

I am not asking for "likes" it, but if you enjoy the concept and gameplay, a little help is always welcome. Thanks :)

More resources on the Steam Greenlight page : trailer, screenshots, features and playable demos.


I work alone and I handle the programming, production, game design, level design, QA and misc art assets ; for everything else (main tilesheets, sprites, music) I license asset packs from artists and asset stores. Full detailed credits in the game.

- Estimated play time : 8~12h, depending on player experience and game completion
- Game size : ~200 playable screens
- Team : myself !
- Development time : ~1 year, from scratch
- Platforms : Windows 7/8/10, Linux (tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)
- Release date : TBC ~ Spring 2017


Tech : The game is developed in TypeScript, using VSCode and SmartGit. It is using the Phaser engine, in its latest pre-CE version, 2.6.2. On top of which I add my own gameplay framework, a json data-driven Entity-Component-System architecture.
Art & design : I'm using Pyxel for misc pixel art and Tiled for the level design.
Production : handled with Trello and Toggl, plus a collection of ad-hoc prod assets.
Shipping : The application is packaged with NW.js to deploy as a desktop executable.

Thanks for reading - I hope you will enjoy Relic : Tale of the Undead Princess !

Thanks to the feedback received from the demo, I am currently working on an update. Nothing major, but a collection of small things that will improve the overall player experience and that will benefit both the demo and the final game. All the details in the next few days when the update is ready !


The Princess gets an update : new version available !

Lots of small tweaks : balancing, gameplay, user-friendliness, etc. No major changes, but a collection of things contributing to an improved player experience.

All the details / changelog on the Steam page - the updated Windows and Linux demo builds are available for download as well.

To improve overall legibility of the game environment, I recently updated most graphics assets - New sprites easier to identify, consistent contours on solid objects, less noise on background tiles, silhouette more representative of the hitchecks, reviewed level design and multiple environment tweaks

Before/after preview :

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