
Video: High Level Layout Composition - Bauer Design Solutions

Started by January 29, 2017 04:37 PM
2 comments, last by bauer_design_solutions 7 years, 6 months ago

Let me quickly introduce myself and the concept behind Bauer Design Solutions. I'm a AAA game dev since 2007, originated from the mod community and wrote a few articles. Now however I want to change things up and share my experience and learning in video. I strongly believe in a healthy exchange of knowledge and opinions, especially in our field.

The first video in the series is about High Level Composition of primarily multiplayer levels. It sums up the beginning of my older article "Ben's small bible of realistic multiplayer level design" plus some additional thoughts and of course in a more entertaining format.


Please share, like and subscribe. It takes a lot of time to create such videos and any support is highly appreciated.

Looks interesting! Thank you for the share!



We will be glad if you will make more videos like this.

Thanks a lot for the support!! :)

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