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Starting A Company From Scratch - With no Money, Friends, or Education...

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21 comments, last by Tom Sloper 9 years, 2 months ago

He mentioned Boise, ID, so he's here in the states. $25 a month is... startlingly low, even for Idaho.

Okay, I missed that. Yes, the $25/month was a big part of why I was asking. Actually, $25 a month is low even for Kenya (a country I've been learning about lately).

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com


$25/hour maybe? I make more than that in a non-technical field.

You are not at a stage at which you should be considering making a company. Start reading and learning about programming... And writing code. Start implementing your game ideas and get working demos/finished small games going. People will be far more likely to join you in a larger project then, and you can even use these demos (if they are decent) to try and get a job in the game industry.

There are a lot of people in the world who are 'creative'. A lot. It's not enough. You have to be creative and have the technical skills to go along with it.

I don't really care about "Who did all the work"... I just want my game made the way I want it. Very specific. However, since I cannot learn on my own or with help, that seems very unlikely that I will be able to create a game on my own without someone doing it for me.

It doesn't seem like you have thought this through at all. You want somebody else to make your game but you don't want to pay them. This is like 95% of everyone in the game industry and the reason why they aren't working on their own games. Ideas come easy, implementing those ideas into a full working game does not. Most people won't work if they are not paid. If you do not have lots of money to throw into the company you either have to go to school to learn how to program and make your own game. Or you could go to business school and learn how to run a business properly and start from there.

Yeah, I agree with everyone else here. You are by no means ready to start making games. There are thousands of people who want to make games but very few who will get the skills necessary to actually make them. It takes LOTS of hard work and dedication to get good at making games. Do you have that? Or is this a passing interest?

If you do have a strong interest in building games, you're going to have to educate yourself to improve your existing skill set. In 2015, there really is no excuse for not being educated anymore. You have access to the internet. You can go watch youtube videos at Khan Academy to teach yourself the basics in mathematics which you've missed out on. Then, you can download and install a free compiler (Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition) and start building an XNA game. There are tutorials for that too. There are thousands of tutorials for beginners. Whatever happens, you HAVE to be someone who contributes meaningful work and adds progress to the game project. If you can't do that, then get there. If you can't ever get there, then forget about it.

You're only 23. You aren't doomed. You have lots of time, but you're going to have to work your ass off like you've never worked before. Making games is a slog and it is nothing like playing games. It's all about building software which happens to be entertaining.

Alright, I'm chipping in.

I can design games and I can learn any engine in a short space of time. But I only achieved those skills through modding other games. So, I'd suggest that before you start making a commercial game from scratch, make a mod first. Even if it's a small house mod, get it out there. You'll most probably get feedback from other users in terms of bugs and improvements - do not ignore these and take these into account.

Also, one advantage of modding is that you may find some correct people who would be more than happy to work with you, if you show to them that you're reliable and hard-working. I have some useful contacts for future projects because I modded and contributed a lot to the modding communities.

However you go about it, you have a long and bumpy road ahead. Good luck with it and I'd be happy to see what you would create. :)

Youtube.com Unity and Blender are all free. There you go. Go make something worth while and sell it.

Looking for Java coder (smartfox) and 2D UI Artists for my Island Troll Tribes stand alone game: Here

I make a minimum social security. I live in an apartment that allows me to make payments based on my income, which is barely enough to allow me food and such. I don't qualify for food stamps, surprisingly.

How on earth did you get internet access then?

Where would I begin? What path would I take?

I don't want to come across as cold to your situation, but to start a business, you can't be a whiner.

Your above post lists all the reasons why you can't get where you need to be, whereas a real entrepreneur won't focus on these.

I would recommend to make the serious effort of building a SWOT:

List your strengths

List your weaknesses

List the opportunities you want to capitalize on

List the threats that can break these opportunities or your efforts

After a serious, non-whining session, you should come up with a set graph.

If it looks like there are seriously no Strengths and Opportunities you can use, give it up for now: it's not the time to start something new: Rather, join someone else's ambitions and gain experience (gain Strenghts).

Otherwise, examine what you DO have instead of listing everything you are missing, and then, we may be able to help you out.

Look up how to brew soda at home, sell it outside of stores, and acquire money.

Grow some vegetables/sell them at farmers markets, and acquire money.

Collect rainwater/boil it and sell distilled water to people stuck in traffic, and acquire money.

beg on the streets, if you can't do the above, and acquire money.

Use that money to either Learn to, or pay someone to impliment your ideas.

If you need more methods of income that won't jeapordize your current social security payments just let me know. This world isn't one where you should expect someone to helplessly achieve your goals, with you giving minimal effort.

Also, this company name is taken. Don't mess around with IP/Copyright.

  1. Gaminations
  2. Software Company
  3. Address: Block J1, Lahore, Pakistan

OP's long gone guys and likely isn't coming back.

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