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Starting A Company From Scratch - With no Money, Friends, or Education...

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21 comments, last by Tom Sloper 9 years, 2 months ago

I really need help, but if no one wants to help, I can't get help.

I wish I could state something positive about myself, but there's not much positive I have in my life that relates to business and game design.

Recap on my thread (So I don't have to post it all over again in different words; that's a lot of typing... :/):

What have you produced before, do you have a portfolio?

I have not produced anything. No, I do not have a portfolio. Everything I've been hired to do I have been fired from because of incompetence.

Question for you... to produce something, you need to have a product. So how can you produce something if you never have before? My question really is, how can you start if you haven't finished? You can start, but if people don't want to participate because you haven't finished, how can you start? It really doesn't make sense. You are trying to get me to do something impossible... like be more than chuck norris, like starting only because I have finished something, which I haven't. And no one can. Everyone has to start somewhere, they can't just start off "finished"

It sounds like you're trying to build a big company from nothing, usually to do this you need previous industry experience.

And what might that be? Flipping burgers? Done that, and failed. Janitorial work? done that and been fired. All because of "incompetence." I have a creative mind. Can that work?

Have you invested your own cold hard cash into this company and properly registered it? If not why should others be inspired to?

I have. I currently have a meetup group, with 2 participants. However, they have not put down in stone that they are participating in the first meeting.

The registration companies want a demo, not a bunch of scripts/documents, which is all I have. I need people to help me create a demo, because I can't do it on my own.

You see, it's hard for me to learn anything, if at all. I cheated all the way through public school, copying answers, as well as obtaining the test answers. I did school online, so it was easy (Watch the teacher put in her password, then monkey see, monkey do. Very simple, but deadly.) Basically, my high school diploma was all cheat-obtained. I don't have any personal experience. Heck, I can't even add or subtract very well. I know pretty much up to 100. Anything beyond that is difficult. But I am very creative. Everyone around me says I'm smart, but they do not know the truth. I am creative, not smart. I want to make something of myself.

I've tried to go to many colleges here in Boise, ID. But they all turned me down because of my SAT test results, which was a failing score. Other colleges even had their own tests, which I failed.

I am in a poor poor situation. My family, friends, relatives, everyone around me are either very poor and cannot support me, or don't exist anymore. I am all alone.

I make a minimum social security. I live in an apartment that allows me to make payments based on my income, which is barely enough to allow me food and such. I don't qualify for food stamps, surprisingly.

So, basically, all I can really do is create a group and go into debt. Anyone who wishes to help me out and achieve my dreams, go for it.

You know, I see people all around me in similar situations rise from their troubles and become great and wealthy. I wish to do the same. But people always tell me "You're wanting the impossible. Give up. Go for something easier. You cannot do this." But I want to do this. I wish to achieve my dream. I WILL achieve my dream. No matter what others say. Even there on SSBB forums, I was a bit down on myself because I discovered another game similar to mine, but I wont give up! I'm counting on achieving the improbable, not impossible!

So, basically, I want to make a Game Company from scratch. No money, no talent, no initial friends or help from others, just myself and seeking other people.

Where would I begin? What path would I take?

To register company you need to do nothing more than fill forms and possibly pay a filing fee.

You don't need a demo, but to be a success you need to finish a game. You need to start a game before others will follow and help. This doesn't mean being a designer, it means produce a game or at least start to. Bring screenshots or videos to the table.

If you're hoping to just get everyone all excited over an idea it wont happen and even if it did, who did all the work, the coder or the "ideas man"? It's unfair to expect to just become a ceo and this all seems very trollish.

If you're hoping to get finance etc that needs a business plan. You need to take it slow and plan this out or you'll end up broke, up the poo river without a rowing stick.

Hey, that common traps thing, Frob, doesn't help...

And that warning, was unnessary. I wasn't cross posting (whatever that is)... I was making it easier for me to explain myself. Not many people visit ALL of the forums (1). So, explaining myself over and over, especially one LONG post, can be time consuming and frustrating. I posted the same post in another forum (but it is being moderated at the moment). So, really, it saves time, and is very ingenious.

Reference: Past Forums (I've been kicked off of Pokecommunity due to this kind of thing, when I was explaining myself and who I was. Rediculous!)

To register company you need to do nothing more than fill forms and possibly pay a filing fee.

You don't need a demo, but to be a success you need to finish a game. You need to start a game before others will follow and help. This doesn't mean being a designer, it means produce a game or at least start to. Bring screenshots or videos to the table.

If you're hoping to just get everyone all excited over an idea it wont happen and even if it did, who did all the work, the coder or the "ideas man"? It's unfair to expect to just become a ceo and this all seems very trollish.

If you're hoping to get finance etc that needs a business plan. You need to take it slow and plan this out or you'll end up broke, up the poo river without a rowing stick.

I don't really care about "Who did all the work"... I just want my game made the way I want it. Very specific. However, since I cannot learn on my own or with help, that seems very unlikely that I will be able to create a game on my own without someone doing it for me.

You're making me feel useless again...

How do you think I'll end up broke? I've already got a group with 2 other people, so it appears to be working... slowly.

I'm also planning on using godaddy.com to make a website, and add my forum to it. Also, I plan on advertising as much as I can on as many popular websites as I can about my game (minus the details). Once enough people are interested, I will ask them some questions to see if they are honest folk and will commit to working WITH me.

If you don't post details, how will anyone be interested?

Trust me, nobody will steal your idea, we all have our own ideas that we like more than someone else's...

If you don't post details, how will anyone be interested?

Trust me, nobody will steal your idea, we all have our own ideas that we like more than someone else's...

What do you think happened to me and Spyro: Skylanders?

My deviantart story was a spyro story with a character JUST LIKE WHIRLWIND... and it recieved a lot of views. When Skylanders came out much later, whirlwind reflected my character with precise detail... So, yes, people do steal ideas.

I deleted the deviantart story later, devastated.

Gamination, it's much too early for you to talk about forming a company. You have a lot to learn about making games, and about business, before you'll be ready to start a business. I have to ask: how old are you? How much education have you completed (high school, university, masters degree)? And what country do you live in?

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

Sorry, I'm being very negative again... I feel horrible learning the truth. The truth that no one is interested despite I myself knowing that this COULD be a success, but not being able to present anything...

I'll try to be more positive from now on... if there is anything to be positive about, I'll talk about it.

Gamination, it's much too early for you to talk about forming a company. You have a lot to learn about making games, and about business, before you'll be ready to start a business. I have to ask: how old are you? How much education have you completed (high school, university, masters degree)? And what country do you live in?

I have a cheated high school diploma. Yeah, I was that bad at school. On the positive side, I have a high school diploma...

I don't have any university or college things. I don't qualify and can't pay for that kind of thing.

On the positive side, I can make a decent living by myself... earning a $25 a month total net income. :)

I'm 23 years old...

For those perhaps confused by his earlier comment that referenced me and some links...

Gamination was issued a warning for cross-posting his discussion. This thread starts with the third cross-post of the same content.

I had previously sent a private message suggesting to slow down a bit and to read two relevant links about the problems described in his highly negative posts, especially as his reputation was rapidly plummeting. It looks like he took my private message and incorporated parts of it into a reply to this thread.

I have a cheated high school diploma. Yeah, I was that bad at school. On the positive side, I have a high school diploma...
I don't have any university or college things. I don't qualify and can't pay for that kind of thing.
On the positive side, I can make a decent living by myself... earning a $25 a month total net income.
I'm 23 years old...

It sounds to me like you are not ready to start a business. What country do you live in?

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

It sounds to me like you are not ready to start a business. What country do you live in?

He mentioned Boise, ID, so he's here in the states. $25 a month is... startlingly low, even for Idaho.

My advice: Go back to school or join the military. I'm NOT joking.

You have wrecked your life (so far) by cheating your way through the "tutorial", so to speak. You need a proper education.

School not only teaches you information, but it restructures your brain so that it's more efficient at learning. When you were thinking "I'll never use this...", the people who were slogging through boring lessons and homework were adapting their minds to be able to recognize patterns and analyze information in more advanced ways. They may indeed never use the information again, but their skills at learning are vastly better.

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