
My Lovecraftian horror game...

Started by October 27, 2001 10:15 AM
15 comments, last by Hardguy 22 years, 10 months ago
I have just released an horror adventure game called Fiend and I would be glad to get soem feedback on it. check it out here. ------- Me Hardguy. and here is my game... Edited by - hardguy on October 27, 2001 12:21:42 PM
Are you sure the link isn''t dead?
seems like your link is screwed up. It should be

I''m downloading now... I''ll give you some feedback later...
-----------------------------Reporter: Are they slow-moving, chief?Sheriff: Yeah, they're dead. They're all messed up.-Night of the living dead
Hmm, for some reason I can''t install it. It says it''s not a win32 program. And the file says it''s 0 kB. Weird...
-----------------------------Reporter: Are they slow-moving, chief?Sheriff: Yeah, they're dead. They're all messed up.-Night of the living dead
Thanks for correting my misktake Rudan. I have edited the post, so now the link should work.

Strange error....try downloading it again, maybe the download got screwed. I haven''t made the installer so sadly i I can''t fix it if it is an error. I have tested it on lots of computers though. So it should work.

Me Hardguy.
and here is my game...
Ok, got it working now. For some reason I had to download and install it with windows 98 instead of 2000...

I don''t have time to test it very much right now, but what I''ve seen so far looks great. Well done...
I''ll get back to you later, when I played some more...
-----------------------------Reporter: Are they slow-moving, chief?Sheriff: Yeah, they're dead. They're all messed up.-Night of the living dead
Blue Screen of Death''d on me...
"A Fatal Exception 0E has occurred at ...... in VXD Asp4Wave01" more or less.
Too bad; it looked cool, and I liked the music

If you''re curious, I''m running Win98 on a PII 350 with 64Mb sys ram, and a nVidia Riva TNT2 video card with 16 Mbs Video ram.

Maybe whichever driver that .vxd file refers to just isn''t up to date on my system...?
When did this error happen?

Me Hardguy.
and here is my game...
I downloaded and installed it without problems, and it seems pretty cool. Hell, just the fact that it''s a finished game is great, and Lovecraft rules .

I experienced one reaaaally annoying problem though, pretty major actually. I wandered around the town and encountered George Smith, who told me to go use a typewriter. I went upstairs and used it, and a bunch of things saying EMPTY came up. At this point I forgot exactly what I pressed, I think it was Space or Escape, but whatever it was, the EMPTY labels went away, and I could no longer move. I could open my inventory and press Escape to go to the main menu, but I could not move and could not interact with the typewriter again, so I had to quit and lose all my progress .

Do you know what happened? Other than that it seems like a fun game...I''m not a huge fan of the top-down perspective, but congratulations on finishing it nonetheless.



I thought that I fixed that bug, guess I did not.
When exiting the save menu press Z and NOT space.

IF you have pressed space and can''t move then just
press space twice to get back to normal.

I am really sorry that this bug is still there.
Guess I have to recompile and upload the game again.

Me Hardguy.
and here is my game...

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