
Isometric Demo

Started by October 17, 2001 09:40 AM
8 comments, last by LPVOID_CH 22 years, 10 months ago
i optimised my iso-engine. check it out:
Download 42kB
what do you think? Edited by - LPVOID_CH on October 17, 2001 10:41:52 AM
------------------------<< deltasoft games >>Homepage:
-It scrolls nice.
-You have cute little jeeps around.

Not so good:
-Need some work on them tiles. Such as more realistic ground cover, layered dirt and grass, etc. Shouldnt be too hard.
-I couldnt tell what the darker square patches were suppose to be. Trees?? darker grass?? ...i have no clue, so that needs work. Basically i should NOT have to guess what it is.
-No houses, trees, shrubs, or other distinct looking features of the terrain. It looks like a very flat area.

Congrats if this is your first ISO demo. I would spend a some time working on the map: layered tiles of different terrain textures, Trees and different shrubs, Rocks and Boulders. Get that all figured out before you go too deep into playing with jeeps and stuff. Good luck.

WinME, 500M ram, 1.4AMD, Geforce2

Edited by - GalaxyQuest on October 17, 2001 2:02:20 PM
thx for your comments

of course, there arn''t interesting textures such as different grass, rocks and so on. the dark tiles should have been trees but i think there are some errors in the rendering function (thx for the note).
this is only the begin of my engine and i focused mainly the unit movement (pathfinding, smooth movements, ...)

in the final game there will be more textures and buildings, thats clear.

------------------------<< deltasoft games >>Homepage:
It works well! Nice work.

The path finding is especially good. I was impressed how the jeeps refuse to drive over each other. Just to test it fully, I collected all the jeeps together - and it was impressive to see them all move out in single file when I commanded them to move!

The only compliant I have; When the jeeps are grouped together it is impossible to select only one unit.

- Matt

I cant get it to work under Win Xp sorry
Evil is Good

The trees are displaying fine for me.

a suggestions:
If your unit cant reach it''s destination it just wait until it could get there; most other engines abort walking when the destination can''t be reached, or it tries to get as close as possible (by calculating a new path to the goal and taking close units into consideration. perhaps a unit that stands still on the map should be represented in the pathfinding algorithm?).

Using DirectX 8.0a on an P2-233 with a Voodoo 3 w/ a year old drivers.

Well have fun, it seems this engine could be the beginning of something nice. Oh, and make it scroll faster. A little slow now.

The ISO demo was great. Are you going to have the engine detect secondary devices? It ran a little slow on my primary device.

Pentium 166 w/ MMX Tech.
48 MB of RAM
(Primary) S3 Virge
(Secondary) Voodoo 2
Generic Sound Card

DeShawn Toon Arena Website
Nice, and it does work in Windoes XP Professional.
MSN Messenger:
I cant get it to work under XP mind you im using an antiquated graphics card on my work machine 3dfx Banshee card, so maybe thats the reason.

Evil is Good
Evil is Good
In w2k professional it just shows a black screen with the mouse pointer... :/

[ ThumbView: Adds thumbnail support for DDS, PCX, TGA and 16 other imagetypes for Windows XP Explorer. ] [ Chocolate peanuts: Brazilian recipe for home made chocolate covered peanuts. Pure coding pleasure. ]

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