
Chances of getting a job at Gamestop

Started by July 25, 2012 05:36 PM
16 comments, last by emark.mark20 12 years, 1 month ago
NOTE: I realize that this forum is meant for getting a job at game development but I am not sure if asking about a game retail job is appropriate in this forum. Regardless, feel free to lock this forum if this topic should be posted somewhere else. A link to a site where it would be most appropriate would be appreciated as well.

Hi everyone, I would like to apply to a Gamestop store around New York City and they would be hiring around this fall. However, I am just wondering if my experiences would make me a great applicant. I don't have any retail experience yet but I believe I have the skills necessary to do the job. I have attached draft of my resume for Gamestop without my personal infomation:

I appreciate any feedback from anybody and thanks in advance. Again, my apologies if this should not be posted in this forum

Edit: I know this topic is a little dated now but I was told that I should not post my resume on message boards because anyone can steal the work history for their own use. I find it a little absurd since we have a references section in job applications but then again, I hear Gamestop employers don't call references at all and people can lie about their resume anytime. I decided not to take any chances. Again, thanks to all who have posted.
One more thing I forgot to ask: I am going back to school in the fall and most of my free time would be in the evenings from Monday to Thursday, Fridays after 10:45, and I am free on the weekends. Would a limited schedule hurt my chances for employment? Thanks again.
Getting the retail job will not significantly help with a game development job. The two do not have comparable skill sets; it shows you have an interest in games, but that is not enough to break in.

There is always a demand for seasonal work in retail, so if you apply to an opening you have a reasonable chance of getting it. The barriers for entry at retail are fairly low.
I'm guessing they won't even want a resume. Chances are you just need to fill out a job application and have a couple references handy. Unless you're applying to be a higher level manager or something.
This forum is okay for this topic. Polish your resume per the feedback you receive here, and apply.

-- Tom Sloper --

Not to be too harsh on Gamestop, but that's like applying for a McDonalds position, if you ask me. Main thing you'll learn is which games come out when, plus some general costumer service (depending on the individual store and it's policies). Unless, of course, you get lucky and get to do some higher-up management stuff, then you *may* get to do some deeper costumer service stuff. But I don't see what that's got to do with writing methods for a company (if that's your end goal).

- Awl you're base are belong me! -

- I don't know, I'm just a noob -

emark hasn't asked about the retail job as being valuable for working in game development.
He only asked about getting the retail job.
I think it's a valid question. And I don't agree with the prevailing opinion expressed above that a game retail job is bad for a game industry job applicant -- I think a game retail job gives the individual a good perspective on gamers and what they like.

That said, I agree with the prevailing question about emark's long-term plan -- after the game retail job, what's the plan for then?

-- Tom Sloper --

Would a limited schedule hurt my chances for employment?

Probably. But try for it anyway. If you don't try, you definitely won't get the job.
And make sure you always remember that your priority for the short term is to get good grades at school, and get the degree.

-- Tom Sloper --

Getting the retail job will not significantly help with a game development job. The two do not have comparable skill sets; it shows you have an interest in games, but that is not enough to break in.
There is always a demand for seasonal work in retail, so if you apply to an opening you have a reasonable chance of getting it. The barriers for entry at retail are fairly low.

I think it's a valid question. And I don't agree with the prevailing opinion expressed above that a game retail job is bad for a game industry job applicant -- I think a game retail job gives the individual a good perspective on gamers and what they like.

That said, I agree with the prevailing question about emark's long-term plan -- after the game retail job, what's the plan for then?

Thanks for expressing your opinions. However, I have just got a job at Dunkin Donuts so I don't think I will be applying to Gamestop this fall unless something happens. Besides, despite the low barriers, I found out that some Gamestop stores in my area (not all of them) look for experienced people in retail anyway. Still I will have to think about if I should go for Gamestop anyway in the future. While I know college is more important than working at gamestop to get into the industry, I figured that every little bit of knowledge of the industry could help when the time comes to apply for a game development job. As in the above quote, Tom already expressed his position on it.

Reguarding the long term plan, I figured that I might get some sort of internship related to art after the retail/ food service job (I am an art major now) so hopefully by that time, I should have some proper 3D modeling or drawing skills

By the way, has anyone got around taking a look at my resume?

Thanks to everyone who has posted
Hi Emark,

I took a quick look at your resume, and while the point is a bit moot now, should you ever decide to try for the Gamestop job again my feedback is:

  • Make sure your resume shows your love of gaming

    • Try adding a quote about games in the footer?
    • List your hobbies?
    • Perhaps add an image or logo that shows your love of gaming?
    • Don't be afraid to get creative to help yourself stand out
    • Most importantly, NEVER GIVE UP. If you want to work at Gamestop, apply every month. Try different resumes and strategies. Stay hungry.



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