
New UPDATED website

Started by October 06, 2001 10:08 AM
5 comments, last by outlawartist 22 years, 10 months ago
hey guys, i just updated my website, totally new design, there is no content, and the links in the actual site dont work, but i just want to get some comments and suggestions, thanks sorry i tried to put an href, but it didnt work. the site might be down, cuz freeservers has been on and off lately, Edited by - outlawartist on October 7, 2001 1:43:28 PM
Umm... A link would be nice.

Nation Leprechaun
Is this a joke?? I dont get what you want a review of, since your pages dont have anything. I can see this is your very first website, so read the warning below if u cant handle true critism. sorry.


1. Dont post a webpage asking for advice when there isnt anything of "content" there.

2. Use some graphics so the page doesnt like like you took an entire 15 minutes to design it!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, selecting between 4 different colors didnt have any "cool factor" what so ever, since its the same drab look anyway. I say drop it.

3. Unless the first page is a flash movie of an upcoming project, some sweet looking display of your website, or absolutly anything that says "hey something interesting inside, check it out" then i say drop it, it looks kinda drab.

4. The text you have on your real website is..hmm, well its plain text with no creative designs to it. I say take more time than it took to type out those links in text to come up with an interesting or graphically appeasing style.

5. Why dont you go check out some game webpages and see what they did, plan out what you can do, and take your time to make a webpage that has absolutely anything that would want a surfer to come to your page and continually come back, other wise your page is just another ho-hum site that will be full of dust in about 6 months.

Sorry if you dont like my review, but someone has got to tell you the hard reality. good luck.
quote: Original post by GalaxyQuest


1. Dont post a webpage asking for advice when there isnt anything of "content" there.

I believe that i stated that there WAS NO CONTENT, i wanted design suggestions
2. Use some graphics so the page doesnt like like you took an entire 15 minutes to design it!!!!!!!!!

graphics are useless and take up space and download time. if im thinking of the same type or graphics you are, that was a bad suggestion
Oh yeah, selecting between 4 different colors didnt have any "cool factor" what so ever, since its the same drab look anyway. I say drop it.

im trying to test my PHP code, seeing if it will display all the same page by clicking on any colour.
3. Unless the first page is a flash movie of an upcoming project, some sweet looking display of your website, or absolutly anything that says "hey something interesting inside, check it out" then i say drop it, it looks kinda drab.

actually i am going to make that the skin page, where users can choose the skin they wish to see the website it.
4. The text you have on your real website is..hmm, well its plain text with no creative designs to it. I say take more time than it took to type out those links in text to come up with an interesting or graphically appeasing style.

why have creative designs on simple links
5. Why dont you go check out some game webpages and see what they did, plan out what you can do, and take your time to make a webpage that has absolutely anything that would want a surfer to come to your page and continually come back, other wise your page is just another ho-hum site that will be full of dust in about 6 months.

i have checked out the game websites, and all they have are useless, huge, unappealing graphics.
Sorry if you dont like my review, but someone has got to tell you the hard reality. good luck.

everyone has their own opinion right?

this isnt my first site by the way
I got to agree with GalaxyQuest here, you don''t have anything to actually review. Put some content and we''ll see what we have to say.

One thing I can say is if I was running a low resolution (1024x768 or less, which is not uncommon, especially on laptops) then I''d have to scroll halfway down the page to actually get to any of the content. You''ve got that banner ad at the top (which I guess you can''t avoid since you''re using a free webhost) and then that great big logo, which looks somewhat out of place, then it''s only after that (your logo is almost 200 pixels high!) that we get to anything of use (or will get to anything of use). Logos are a good way of helping people remember your site, but they shouldn''t get in the way of the content. - Just click it.
I thought it looked pretty cool. The only thing I can say is, the rollovers don''t look that good if you just invert the colours.
I''d say a good start and not to let GalaxyQuest put you down. You have to realize that there is more than one type of site - a site for information and a site to simply entertain. If your site is for displaying information (which I assume it is: info about yourself, projects, etc.) then if it doesn''t display this information cleanly and in a simple format, no amount of flashy graphics will keep people coming back, so keep the simple style - it works and that''s all that matters. I mean, GamdeDev certainly ain''t flashy at all

Otherwise I would listen to what Dean Harding said - incorporate that huge logo into the page better - make it smaller. People will still see it, believe me, and it''s always a good thing to use as a Home link, so placing it next to the menu is always good.

Otherwise I''d have to see some more content before I could formulate my own opinions. Good luck.

Oh and I hyperlinked your page for you in the message

Drew Sikora
A.K.A. Gaiiden

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