
My new web-site

Started by September 22, 2001 11:22 PM
1 comment, last by gregd 22 years, 11 months ago
Hi all. Check out my latest (and the last one hopefully) web-site at: More tutorials will come some day, hopefully soon. Greg Damon
Greg Damon
Very nice. It looks like you put alot of work into the site. I didn''t check your tutorials, but I did go to the page to see how many you had, and found that you had quite a few, mainly on OpenGL and Windows Programming, I may come check them out.

I like the layout.

Good Luck for your future with games and web design
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
Wow, this is refreshing--someone posting a decent site on Gamedev. I like the layout and overall look and feel (tm). The color scheme is nice.

However, the site''s usability is somewhat questionable. Here''s why:

- I''m not psychic. Short of looking at the status bar, I don''t know what the heck those four buttons are. You seem knowledgeable, so make a java-script mouseover that gives a short description of what those buttons are. Have it appear under the menu.

- Are all the text made intentionally bold to augment the small font size? This is a tough call, as I use font size 1 (and bold) often myself. However, it is slightly difficult to read.

- I''m not too thrilled about having new window opened all the time when I click on an internal link. I think the email one may be justified however.

Also, I think the site can stand some optimization. I using a T1 connection and the site still loads relatively slow for me.

Now some design issues:

- Though I like how you did your tuturials, black text on dark-gray is bad any way you look at it. Maybe lighten up that dark-gray.

I like that you color your source and give it a different background--makes it stand out more.

All in all, nice job. Not really too much to complain about; better than what most people post here. Keep up the good work.

Btw, your aaddzz thing doesn''t show up (broken image).

Please don''t SPAM.


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