
New Websites

Started by September 18, 2001 10:07 PM
3 comments, last by outlawartist 22 years, 11 months ago
Hello everyone, i have recently put up two websites, one for myself, and one for Necromancer. the URL''s are me him- check em out, theyre pretty cool.
they are pretty nice. Keep up the good design, you might be able to be a web designer (professionaly)

Those were some great drawings too. I wish I could draw like that

"I''ve sparred with creatures from the nine hells themselves... I barely plan on breaking a sweat here, today."~Drizzt Do''Urden
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
Nice sites - I mean it. Clean design and good use of space. I personally ditch HTML for Flash, which is my forte, although HTML is great for a quick site build to deliver information, while Flash is mostly, um, flashy So please visit my site in my sig and let me know what you think as well. I have a thread here that you can reply to.

Drew Sikora
A.K.A. Gaiiden

Blade Edge Software
Public Relations, Game Institute
Staff Member, GDNet

Read my online column! Now!!

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Drizzt- those arent my drawings, im just posting them. However, in my gallery at my website -- -- i have my 3d models. Oh and thanks for the compliments guys. Any suggestions tho?
Nice work, keep it up.

As for suggestions...


- For maximum legibility, make the main font color white instead of light gray. This provides a greater contrast and makes the text easier to read.

- Make the links a different color than the main text color. Right now text is light gray and links are medium gray. The fact that they are underlined helps a little. I suggest making them red to make them stand out more.

- Place padding between the menu, divider, and the content. Right now they are too close together. This can be done adding "blank" columns around the divider.

- Is the divider supposed to be that thick? This is more of a personal preference, but I think you should make the divider have a thickness of one pixel.

- Why are the New York (Satan) photos so low on the page? It''s weird cuz you go to the page and see huge whitespace.

- On the front page in the update section, I think the dates should be bold to make them stand out more.

- This is more of a comment, but... You say "For maximum visual performance...view in 1280x1024", but your font is so small and the contrast so low; how are people supposed to read the site? Just for your info, I use 1280x1024 myself and have no problem reading it, but this is a usability issue rather than some personal preference.


- Why is all the text bold? Makes it hard to emphasize things...

- Again, the font color should be white and link should be a different color.

- I like that the menu is in red.

- Again, the dates in the update section should be bold and the rest of the text normal.


One piece of design advice that I think is very crucial in web design is DON''T. What does this mean? The problem with web design is that most newbies design for the web, which IMHO is inherently horrible (with a few UI exceptions). So the best thing to do is design as though it was for print (ie: flyers, newsletters, posters, cd covers, etc)


If any of these suggestions seem harsh, sorry, I have not tact. I actually am a graphic designer--albeit not professionally--so I think I know what I''m talking about.

Here are some credentials:

- Dark Squid Studios v1.25

- Marshal Wheeler: I think this is my BEST design to-date

- Jinshaun Project v1: my old personal site, good design, bad end product

- Jinushaun Project v3: latest personal site, i call it the khaki theme

Email me at if you have any design questions.


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