
IGF GAME DEMO- please check it out...

Started by September 14, 2001 06:48 PM
-1 comments, last by xminos 22 years, 12 months ago
We recently developed an RPG tech demo to submit to the Independant Games Festival. We''re looking for people to take a look and maybe even lend a hand, if you can. Currently the game is entirely 2d, but we are currently converting it to a pre-rendered 3d bkgd using fully 3d models for characters and objects. There are certainly some issues with the build, but we''d love to hear your input all the same. Currently- our demo does not include combat, which is TOP of the list of things to implement. We have only been working on it for 3 months, so time was of the essence. Thanks again. Static Development Team (William Fox) BTW- Does anyone know who else has submitted a game to the IGF??

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