

Started by September 06, 2001 11:49 PM
12 comments, last by Mortation 23 years ago
Hello webmaster, Are you tired of hosting companies promising you UNLIMITED this or UNLIMITED that? Would be surprised to learn that most hosting companies are really nothing more than resellers? That’s right ONLY 45% of hosting companies REALLY OWN THERE OWN EQUIPMENT! Would you like to know where you can get REAL hosting from a REAL company? Would like an AMAZING 500 Megabytes of space for only $19.99 a month!??! That’s right 500 MEGS OF SPACE for only $19.99! You can use this space to share files, mp3’s, or even home movies! You can have up to 10GIGS of transfer per month!! How about 1 GIG for ONLY $49.99?!?!? OR TWO GIGS FOR ONLY $69.99?!?!? Too much space for you? How about 50 Megs of space for only $5.99?!!? Or 150 Megs FOR ONLY $9.99!?!? ALL OUR ACCOUNTS INCLUDE: FreeBSD 4.4 Operating system Apache web server Qmail mail server WebStats Error Logs Web based control panel (Plesk) PERL, PHP, and ASP Email with or without web mail interface mySQL with phpmyadmin Front Page extensions SSI and SSL support DON’T FORGET OUR INTERNET ACCESS; Unlimited Dial-up ONLY $15.00 with NATION WIDE ACCESS NUMBERS! NOW ARE YOU READY TO STOP PLAYING THE HOSTING GAME AND MOVE TO A REAL COMPANY? Why these GREAT deals? Because ANIC is of and for the netizens of the world! You are not just a client you are a friend! Come visit our site TODAY @ Sincerely, The ANIC Team Edited by - Mortation on September 20, 2001 12:31:36 AM

I don''t buy anything from a "company" that cannot spell "great"

"With my feet upon the ground I lose myself between the sounds and open wide to suck it in, I feel it move across my skin. I'm reaching up and reaching out. I'm reaching for the random or what ever will bewilder me, what ever will bewilder me. And following our will and wind we may just go where no one's been. We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been." - Maynard James Keenan Name: []TheBlackJester[/email]Team: Wildfire Games
Projects O A.D.The Last Alliance

if you have a good hosting service like you claim.....and since you are "adveritsing" it in forums......then if you are good enough why dont you offer a great deal to to be their host and make them a good deal with good service. This could probably help ease their burden of payment to keep this kick a** sight up and running.

"I pity the fool, thug, or soul who tries to take over the world, then goes home crying to his momma."
- Mr. T
Hmm I hate typos! Thanks for pointing it out! maybe I should offer free 150 megs of web space for 6 months to any one that can pick out the most incorrect spellings ... anyone interested?

The ANIC Team
Here goes:

  • The correct plural for "company" is "companies".
  • It''s "their", not "there", when you are talking about a group of people''s belongings
  • It''s "Too much", not "To much"
  • "bandwidth", not "bandwith"
  • "are" not "ar"
  • "precedence", not "presidence"
  • And, as it''s already been pointed out, "great", not "greate".

    So, do I get 900MB of space, now? Can I have 100MB over 9 months instead?

    Oh, and to ncsu121978, GD.Net have a co-location scheme, they don''t need servers, just bandwidth. How about I give up my 900MB of space, and have you give GD.Net 6 months of free bandwidth? - Just click it.
  • Should we point out grammatical errors as well? Missing commas, apostrophes and the like?

    "Thats right ONLY 45%...."
    should read
    "That''s right, ONLY 45%...."

    It''s also funny that a hosting company has a hotmail email address
    -----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
    You forgot the topic title:
    It''s awesome, not awsome. (Maybe awful, but not awsome )

    So do I get free hosting??
    It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
    Oh, I missed the title

    I don''t think we should point out gramatical errors and punctuation, since we''d end up with terabytes of free space if we did that - Just click it.
    package, not packadge.
    I want free space!

    ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
    Boy you guys are lethal! That''s the last time I make a post at 2:00 in the morning with out spell check! Grammatical errors don''t count I was going for flair not an A in english but you guys can beat me up over the spelling I should have the company site back up on monday and Gasp it will be Most of the old site is up, but it was under a different name so if it makes you feel better you can send mail to and you can view the old company site at Be warned however the prices ar out of date and there most likely will be some policy changes with the new ownership.

    The ANIC Team

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