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Starting a Business vs College?

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23 comments, last by way2lazy2care 13 years, 7 months ago
derivatives, integrals; the concepts behind them.
non-trivial physics, rigid body dynamics.
formal computer science theory (the big one).

Sure, you can use the internet. But almost everyone learns these difficult, abstract concepts better/faster with a well laid out class schedule and actually having another person to interact with and teach you (and/or collaborate with).
From your updated post:

Quote: I have a GPU like mind (officially called Obsessive Compulsion Disorder), which allows me to churn through ideas over and over, and to do tedious tasks which require many iterations (I naturally love to program complicated systems), but I am getting Fs right now at my high-school because my mind has trouble with doing the "CPU-mind" assignments, so I doubt going to college would work for me.
Sounds like you have bigger problems.

Get the mental health issues resolved first.

If you are failing at high school classes, you will almost certainly crash and burn in a university environment. Much more is expected of you.

Also, without your mental health issues resolved you would very likely have difficulty performing the required work in a technical work environment. Certain standards of high-level performance are required every day and uncontrolled OCD will prevent it. Assuming you could get it under control you could do it, but in that case you could also complete your education.
Okay thanks, I know this topic was a bit ridiculous. But I think that my OCD actually helps me with programming. In fact, I've heard of a software businesses that only hires people with OCD (it's located in Scotland).

The problem with OCD comes when my brain cannot stop thinking that I'm right (and you're wrong) because of so and so reasons. But I'm learning to disable those thoughts and try to be more a more workable person. This is why I want to run a business, I have no one telling me what to do, for goodness sake! But yes, I need to learn how to cooperate. Thanks for being so kind about my "bigger problems". That just made my day, I'll try to resolve my issues.
If Microsoft's had a taste, it would taste like a Styrofoam cup. That's how nasty and artificialishly ugly they make their code look... C# is a disgusting language.
Quote: I also know the ways around a business. I've been running it already, see: www.viblicent.com

That's my business. :)

That's not a business.

You are not selling anything.
There is only one contact address to an individual to enquire about the company itself.
There is next to no information on the 'products'.

Edit: Eep. Where did all those posts come from?

Steven Yau
[Blog] [Portfolio]

I think a better idea is to go to college, make some good friends there, and start a company with them.

About not getting good grades. Have you taken the time to actually analyse what the teachers want from you? It helped me a great deal at an engineering school when I learned to look at what the specific teacher wants to see.

For example, I wrote reports for a physics class teacher with a similar style the teacher had used when she had written a book. Damn right it helped me to get better grades - the teacher loved my reports! No surprise as I learned the style how to do the layout of the report from her book. I got the best possible grade and I think it was mostly down to carefully writing "pro"-looking reports. Of course the actual substance had to be right, but that wasn't too hard most of the time. Where the difference between a good and a bad grade was made was how the information was presented. You need to identify these things, when does it matter and when it doesn't matter - some teacher may think it's very important and someone else doesn't think so. Analyse your teachers!

Yeah so I think there were smarter people in the classrooms with me but I got equally good or better grades simply by targeting the teachers specifically. You can do it by carefully listening to them. They are dropping subtle hints about what they want from you - give it to them and you will get better grades. It may feel stupid to change the style of reports teacher-by-teacher but if it helps to get your grade up... do it! It worked for me so it can work for you too.

Of course this won't work with everything, you will have exams in which this is not possible.

At another class I actually helped other people to understand what the teacher wants from them. At one occasion I knew that the teacher was wrong about something. He told me my report was wrong. It wasn't wrong but this teacher was not very nice and just to get rid of him I decided I will change the report so that it says what the teacher thinks is right. I then turned the modified report in and he gave me a good grade for it.I didn't like it but I didn't want to deal with the teacher any more than I really had to because I think he had some, let's say it bluntly, psychological problems.

And guess what. Other students did the same assignment later and they wrote the report like I had done it on the first time, and they got very confused when the teacher told them their reports are wrong. No they were not wrong but as the teacher had gotten it wrong they were screwed.

So they came to ask me what had I done to get my report to pass. I told them specifically what the teacher wants to hear and told them it's not right but just write it in the report as the teacher likes it and forget it. We all agreed that the teacher is wrong but we also agreed that he was being a bit mad so we just gave him the reports like he wanted to have them and everyone passed.

This is how it goes sometimes and if you meet such... erm, idiots, just ignore them. I mean with a teacher it's great that you only have a certain amount of time that you have to be with them so this shouldn't be too big a problem. Give them what they want and move on.

You can think of your high school studies the same. Even if you think a lot of those studies are not very relevant or just not something you would like to do, for dog's sake just give it to them and move on to other things. Sometimes you need to just give it to them to be able to move on to the things you like doing more.

And writing this post helped me remind myself of some unfinished business I really should be doing. What I wrote in the previous paragraph is good advice for myself at the moment.

Okay I won't blabber about my life too much. I hope there was something useful in this post.
As an aside, please DO NOT edit your original post to significantly adjust its content after there have been replies, even if you leave the original version as you have. It makes the discussion more complicated to follow. Just create a new thread for that sort of thing.
Thanks for the advice.
If Microsoft's had a taste, it would taste like a Styrofoam cup. That's how nasty and artificialishly ugly they make their code look... C# is a disgusting language.
Why not start a business while you're in college?

From both your edited post and your original post, you appear to be in need of a dose of reality. You need to expand your mind and become enlightened (consider traveling or something where you can relax, be at peace, and open your mind).

You're failing to see why schools teach what they teach and do what they do. You would do better if you had respect for those above you rather than meet them with resistance (probably why you're receiving Fs--you are purposely being a non-conformist).

Running a business isn't about doing one thing until it is right, it is about doing many things until they are just good enough. Being driven to obsessively rework something until it is "right" (especially when the belief that it isn't already right is a figment of the obsession) makes you wholly unsuitable to run a business. Running a business isn't just about programming something over and over until it is right it is about programming, project management (managing all the other aspects of your project such as art, audio etc), managing your team, accounts, banking, marketing etc. If you can't switch from one of these vital tasks to another at the time it needs to be dealt with (as opposed to when your compulsion releases you) then your business simply won't succeed.
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant
One thing to remember is that through college you will implicitly learn a very important concept, learning strategies. You are bound to have different types of professors and deal with different types of projects, which is a good thing. From college you will also learn how to teach your self subjects, which is extremely important for someone interested in the GPU ... and the computer field in general.

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