
Hilarious game in the makings - brought to you by Para Peguins Studios

Started by August 26, 2001 06:39 AM
-1 comments, last by PPS 23 years ago
The setting is 2583 and man has now mastered the art of time travel. "Roger that, it''ll be done in a jiffy," said Cliff Saraincot as he ducked his head into the $5,000,000 dollar time car. Cliffy was the lead janitor for the Time Cops and was on a mission to clean his 50th one. 50 was a huge milestone for any janitor and Cliffy wanted to make his milestone a memorable one. "Ouch!" Cliffy said when he banged his head on the lights that overhang the cockpit. He swung his broom in frustration and banged the broom handle on the dashboard. "All systems nominal, good morning pilot," exclaimed the computer of the time car. "Now what the heck is making that racket?" screamed Cliffy when he turned around and sat on the pilot seat. The seat buckled up Cliffy as he strained to get free. "What the heck, I''m being kidnapped by a car!" And just as Cliffy exclaimed this, he felt his body being hurdled against the back of the car seat. "AHHHHH!!!!" screamed Cliffy, but alas, no one was there to here him for he was in the depths of time and as he screamed, he could see only a small dot of gray in the brilliant blue colors of the time warp, the gray was getting closer, closer, closer until it finally covered the wind shield and then Cliffy felt himself being shoved back forward as he crashed into the earth below him. Sound Intresting?. Go to our website to find out more information about this game. Also if you would like to be part of the making of this game read the post in the ''wanted'' section. Regards Steve ----------------------------------------------------------------- PARA PEGUIN STUDIOS - TIME QUEST : THE LOST EMPIRE Steve = Nexus = Striker = Steve ICQ = 117152521 Nexus ICQ = 123998386 Striker ICQ = 123693669 TIME QUEST HOMEPAGE TIME QUEST FORUMS Thanks for reading this from everyone at :

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