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(first post) can u learn everything you need to know to get a career in JUST college

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16 comments, last by DracoLacertae 13 years, 9 months ago
Quote: Original post by yadango
Quote: Original post by amnesiasoft
I have a friend who is currently a senior in college doing Computer Science. I'm still pretty sure he doesn't actually know anything about programming. Take from that what you will.
I totally agree with you. Only about 10% of the students truly get it.
10%? You are very generous/optimistic [smile]

I reckon that only 10% of my fellow *graduate* students in CS could sit down and write a program that reads two matrices from a file, multiplies them, and outputs the result to stdout. This being a task that they have had to perform in numerous classes in the past...

Admittedly several of those students are much better at the *theory* than I am, but that sort of highlights your second point: a CS education is about theory, not practice. If you just want to learn to program, take some adult education courses in Python/Java at a community college, and then study on your own - you will get far more mileage, pay far less tuition, and avoid a lot of theoretical cruft that you are unlikely to need on a day-to-day basis [wink]

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. [https://trist.am]

I'm not sure of the language that the school will use, I will be attending UNT ( university of north Texas) it will be something i will look into. If you know of the school and have any ideas of direction I would be interested In listening. That's y I am writing here to get a good start and direction. That is good info to know thanks for putting it out there this forum is a great help. Keep posting I do appreciate it very much thanks again to all who reply.
UNT looks ok. Their CS core requirements include Java, C++, and even Assembly Language.

They even have:

Sounds like a good idea. A class with Dr. Parberry sounds interesting.
Some thoughts:

1. Sure you can get a career doing the minimum to get by, but you boost your chances considerably by doing more than that. Sounds like you are planning on doing some learning on your own. Stick to that plan.

2. I'd recommend doing some beginner tutorials in any language. Preferably something like Python so you aren't fighting with a compiler, but C++ will be fine. The idea is to get comfortable with the very basics - variables, loops, control statements, etc. If you can start thinking like a programmer, you'll have a big head start on your classmates.

3. I think being older can be a blessing in disguise. Older students are the ones who take school seriously. They realize what's at stake in a way that 17- and 18-year-olds who've never had to provide for themselves can't comprehend.
Its never too late. I had quite a few students in my classes who came in from the military and were closer to 30. Occasionally, you'd see 40+ year old students. The whole idea of age being a factor is, in large part, arbitrary. Also, many of my classmates did not program at all before college, so you should not let that worry you either.

However, one thing you should note is that college alone will not teach you how to be a good software developer. You need to program on your own, outside of college too, and challenge yourself. Don't coast through your classes and expect to jump out of college and into your dream career. The people who tried that struggled to find work, while the students who were always working on some free-time project or another easily landed jobs.

Edit: By the way, I hate to be *that guy*, but you really should focus on using proper grammar and spelling to get your points across. Its very important that you present yourself well, even in informal settings such as online forums. Its also rude to expect us to sort through a hard-to-read wall-of-text-with-terrible-grammar.
Thanks for all the replies, u have given me good hope. Yes I know about the grammar and stuff I do apologize, computer crashed and I am writing these threads on my IPhone, I'll have a new computer in about a week and my writings will be alot better grammer wise. Thanks again for replies and I am grateful all input is nice
I am going to echo the point Rycross made. A college course isn't enough. To become a good programmer requires practice and when it comes time to get a job you will be up against people who program for fun. They are passionate about programming and so they do it in their spare time and get lots of practice. They will be the ones who get picked for games industry jobs - the rest of the class will have a hard time getting into the industry.
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant
College is definitely not enough. I learned C in high school, then went to a 4 year university for computer science. I'm 26 now, and have been out of school for 4 years. When I look back at the code I wrote in college, it is messy as hell and almost unreadable. I got the concepts in school, but didn't have the discipline. I've learned so much more about proper engineering, design, code reuse and best practices in the 4 years AFTER school then the 4 years IN school.

I've also found that, of the students I knew, the ones that learned programming IN school were no good at it. The ones that learned on their own (even if they only learned Qbasic on their own) were the best, since they already got some of the basic programming paradigms out on their own. The best way to learn programming is to grab a book (or nowadays a wiki page) and just start doing it.

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