
any examples/demos of rpg ideas posted here?

Started by August 17, 2001 01:52 PM
-1 comments, last by Sean99 23 years, 1 month ago
For the month that I''ve been watching this board, I''ve seen a lot of intersting ideas posted about how to improve on the commercailly available rpg''s. Some of it is stuff that I''ve been working on for a while myself, and I''m curious if anybody has actually implemented any of these ideas at least enough to release a demo. I''m asking because I''m close to having my A.I. engine working good enough to release as a demo, but I won''t bother doing it if it''s something that everyone''s seen before. These are the aspects of A.I. I am close to completing and would like to see others'' examples of: NPC motivation (their needs and desires), NPC planning (how they go about fulfilling their desires), and NPC knowledge (assessment of the world and reacting based on their assessment). -Sean
"we need common-sense judges who understand that our rights were derived from God. And those are the kind of judges I intend to put on the bench." - GW Bush"no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." - Article VI of the US Constitution.

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