
StarLines Expansion/Patch on the way

Started by August 12, 2001 06:53 AM
-1 comments, last by cliffski 23 years ago
Saturday 11th August 2001 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ====================== Positech, the makers of Space Strategy/trading game StarLines INC (Among others) have started work on a patch for the game. More than just a simple bug fix, we are rewriting most of the code to take advantage of newer video cards. The old version of the game would run fine on a 4MB video card, and had little in the way of flashy graphics. We are hoping to change this by releasing a major patch for the game in a few months. In addition to graphical improvements, we want to add as many new features and fix as many bugs/irritations as possible, so we are publicly asking for people to email us with their suggestions for changes/features/improvements they would like to see in the patch. We are planning on making this a free upgrade for everyone with the original game. Gamers can email us at if they have any suggestions. If you haven't seen the game, you can download the demo from RealGames (its a nice n small 6MB download) or check out the screenshots and FAQ on our website at or click below for screenshots: Screen3 Screen2 Screen1 ## Edited by - cliffski on August 12, 2001 7:54:17 AM

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