
Super Mario style 2D platformer

Started by August 11, 2001 11:44 AM
23 comments, last by cmdkeen 23 years ago
I just releases the first preview version of my 2D platformer ''The Turtlegame''. There are currently 6 levels for 1-2 players. The game should be done within the next month I will only have to add some more levels, intro/outro are already done but not included yet. If you''re interested in old style 2D games have a look at The Turtlegame page. Have a nice day. [Edited by - cmdkeen on May 19, 2008 8:43:01 PM]
Hi cmdKeen,

I too am creating a classic style 2D mario-type game, if u like download it and tell me what u think. Ill d/l your turtle game and check it out soon.

  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

There was a problem running the game, it shows the title screen with the red text saying ''start game'', ''load game'' etc. but when I press enter (or any other key for that matter) is doesnt do anything! Do u need a joystick?

  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

hmm strange.

Keyboard access should be ok because you were able to end the ''intro''. Do you have any exotic keyboard ? Maybe japanese etc ? Also make sure your DX version is >= 6.0. The game doesn''t check this really.
It should work via Cursor up/down, enter selecting a menu.

I''m going to check out your game, too. I''ve got a strange feeling I''ve formerly visited the site but cant remember the game though.

[Edited by - cmdkeen on May 19, 2008 8:09:44 PM]
Ive tried it on two machines with no luck, one was an NEC Classmate with Win95+DX8 which displays the title menu but when I press all the keys nothing happens and u need to press ALT-F4 to exit. The keyboard is a standard 101 kbd.
The other machine was a new Toshiba 1730 Celeron Laptop with Win98 and DX6.0a, it showed a black window and displayed a message in (i think) German (Fehler beim Anlegen der prim?en Oberfl??he).
My DDraw7 game runs on it fine so I think your game may have a compatibility problem. It may be wise to upgrade your SDK to DX7 so your game is more compatible, but its up to u.

  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

Awsome game! Good feel control wise, with fitting graphics to boot. I''d work on the in-game interface a bit though.
Nice game, you have done some good work on it. My only problem is the keyboard interface. It is really difficult to use. It took me 10 minutes to find out what keys did what (It would be nice if the readme mentioned the keyboard layout or if you had an instructions screen). Using the arrow keys on the number pad is fine, but you should also allow for the regular arrows keys to be used. And the End button being used for jump is also pretty odd. The spacebar or any other easy to reach key would be nicer in my opinion. And the player 2 controls are also a bit difficult, but it doesn''t matter as much since most people will probably be playing single.

Other than that, the game is pretty fun. The graphics are good, and it runs smoothly.
I''m happy to hear that you liked the game :)

Actually there is already a help function that displays all game keys. Its shown when you hit F1 in the game. But that is not documented. I''ve improved it already, i added a help screen. It will be included in the next release (about end of the week).

The reason I made the strange keyboard layout is that I made the game because I wanted to have a 2 player platformer. This is imo the best way to share the keyboard with 2 players (no joystick support yet). But feel free to send me any suggestion for an improvement.

@SikCiv: the german error message may appear when you have only 2mb of video ram. It says ''Error when trying to create primay surface''. Still dont know about the keyboard. I''ve tested with DX6 and DX8.
Great game btw. (the graphics are amazing!)

[Edited by - cmdkeen on May 19, 2008 8:28:03 PM]
The keyboard layout isn''t too difficult for Player 1, but Player 2 feels almost impossible to control. Having the jump key right next to the move left key makes it hard to jump to the left (even though in the maps you go right, there are plenty of times when you must run and jump to the left). Maybe if the jump button was inbetween the two movement keys. I''m not sure where you would put the climbing keys though. Reconfigurable keys would be nice, but I know what a pain it is to do all that.

Oh well, it''s a great game. I seem to be stuck though on level 4 I believe (not sure exactly what level, I think 4). Is this map beatable or is it just unfinished?
Every map in the game is beatable. There are currently 5 maps. The next version that I''m going to release at the weekend will feature 7 maps plus intro and victory sequence.

Midnight: I find player 2 control ok if I put the left hand over the movement keys and the other hand over the action keys. But I haven''t played it as pl 2 too much, I''ll have a look at it.
Anyway nice to see someone using the 2 player mode :)

[Edited by - cmdkeen on May 19, 2008 8:14:38 PM]

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