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The future of gaming

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7 comments, last by destroid 24 years, 6 months ago
Sorry, destroid, but this sounds like a horrible idea:
__Dreams occur when our brains try to sort out new information and to wrestle with our emmotianal stresses. Also, the last hour or so of sleep is when the brain actualy gets rest. That's why when most people get up an hour early they can't concetrate or work very well.
__To intrude upon our own dreams is to ask for a slew of psychological problems. People give themselves problems now by not dealing with their emotions and drowning themselves in other activities (drinking, working, playing games all day ~~ just note that these are not nescesarilly symptoms.) There may also be physical problems from "plugging ourselves in" even if the technology is safe.
__And to get back to the real question:
It's a horrible idea. We, more likely than not, won't remember what we played. This might be acceptable for instant action games like Quake or Pong, but for adventure games this is an immense hurdle. Simply put, or brains are horrible platforms for games.
you raise some good points..

"can't waste the day when the night brings a hearse"

Then how do you explain why people buy "mind-altering" audio tapes to play
while they sleep? Tapes that have soothing ocean music or someone speaking
softly with messages that are suppose to make you feel wonderfully different
when you wake up?

Maybe rather then playing a high-action, kill 'em all DOOM-type game while you
sleep, you would rather play a slow-paced, relaxing game.

Ah hell, just take some acid and trip out. You probably will get the same


SonicSilicon, obviously you haven't actually gone to the trouble of learning about sleep, so that you could have an ounce of truth to back up your ramblings.

It is possible to play games in your sleep, and everybody does it, whether you remember or not. It's called dreaming, and it is extremely healthy.

And yes, you can learn to control them, so not only can you play any game you feel the desire to, in 32bpp, 120Hz 6,000,000,000 polygons/sec, you can do just about anything else you can imagine as well.

The bad news, is that it takes a bit of practice (1-6 month) to learn the technique, but in my opinion this is one of the most powerful things you could ever learn, and hey! Your sleeping anyway right? I am amazed that it is not taught at Primary School.

It's called lucid dreaming, any any Internet search that you do on these two words could change your life.

Check out the lucidity institute for more info: www.lucidity.com

I don't want to play a game when I'm asleep. I want to sleep when I'm asleep, not even if the game is the dream. Can you imagine hooking up Civilization?!?
JeranonGame maker wannabe.
Actually, I think sonic was right in most of his points, although, I think we sleep in four hour cycles (I'm not sure though), but the technique u where talking about also works. Personally though I wouldn't want to game while sleepiing. Could u imagine the stress induced by playing doom in ur sleep. My god, it's enough to give someone a heart attack. Also, do u really want big companies inside ur head. Windows Sleeping edition, ick.
Write more poetry.http://www.Me-Zine.org
I have to agree that playing in one's sleep certainly doesn't sound a good idea. I think at the end of the day 'switching off' is kind of nice, after all, that is what sleep is designed for (not that I want an argument about who 'designed' sleep) Recharge the batteries and all that.

Besides, if you could play the likes of Civ in your sleep, I know one guy at least who would never have woken up.

At the risk of twisting things a little though, I do firmly believe that games will evolve to allow them to plug into our brains and stimulate parts like the optic nerve directly. This should push the immersiveness of games into a new era. Maybe playing games in that way (.ie. awake) is a more likely future.


Out of curiosity.. how many of you think that computer games will eventually evolve into something which we visualise and play in our dreams (not on a computer monitor or television). In the future, perhaps, if we're looking for a bit of fun, we might strap a unit onto our head, and go to sleep. Once we fall asleep, the unit kicks in and sends ideas (the game) to our brain, so that we think it's real. We could have a dream that we're on a spaceship and we have to kill evil aliens, or we're running through the mushroom kingdom searching for the princess. I don't know if I'm explaining this 'dream manipulator' properly, but this is how I think video games might be in the future. This could also be used for other purposes, besides playing games. It could be used for very advanced simulations (pilots trying to manouver out of a dive) or as a punishment (?? a criminal dreams that he's in prison for 40 years - it feels real, but it only lasts a few hours ??). The possibilities would be endless. Unfortunatly (or fortunatly, perhaps), we will not have this type of technology for many years. Most likely, not even in our lifetimes.

- destroid

"can't waste the day when the night brings a hearse"

"can't waste the day when the night brings a hearse"
Woah, steady

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