
Brand New Site for Game Developers! Awesome!

Started by July 24, 2001 11:55 AM
24 comments, last by misterags 23 years, 1 month ago
This is INSANE!

Incase you didn''t look at the username, I''m the guy who started this whole crap hole. Let me straighten things out. My name is Eric, and I have been programming for about 4 mos. now. Just yesterday I learned how to plot a pixel, draw a line, a rectangle, etc. in windows using C++. I know VERY little HTML and just use Dreamweaver to create simple sites here and there. I have a church youth group web site that is very successful, and I love game development (by the way, the least of my skills is programming. I am a professional graphic artist and animator). I thought (about 2 mos ago) I would make a site called where developers would get together to start games. I HAD NEVER HEARD OF GAMEDEV.NET UNTIL ABOUT 3 WEEKS AGO. I swear. I heard about it in a C++ book, and decided to check it out, not knowing that I would start this riot sue-age. I''m thinking of a new name, and when I do I will change it. Sorry.

I''''m 16 and making millions effortlessly! Email me to find out how!
Good for you.


Icarus Independent

Jump Down The Rabbithole
(Trying not to be too harsh), but damn. Learn to do your reaserch and try to be humble. The guys on this forum could teach you a lot. -and they will if you just change your screen name and hang around the NEWBIE forum.

(by the way, the least of my skills is programming. I am a professional graphic artist and animator)

Lol. I thought that when i was 17 too.

And 2 years from now I''m going to realize how superfluous and retarded everythin that I''m doing is.


And now you know.
Wow, you guys have the $$$ for a trademark lawsuit? It''s a wonder you don''t just buy the other domain in that case!
quote: Original post by Buster
Wow, you guys have the $$$ for a trademark lawsuit? It''s a wonder you don''t just buy the other domain in that case!

have to agree with ya

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