
Sport Arenas: FPS, RTS.

Started by July 14, 2001 12:07 PM
0 comments, last by Ketchaval 23 years, 2 months ago
Would it be good to see (a range) of games move towards a more Sport like design? For both single player and multiplayer. The game has a set of player tools (grappling hooks etc) items (guns, health packs etc.), player controled units (if RTS). These can be put to use to try and win the match. The game then has a system of scoring (even player / contestant adjustible). Ie. 10 points for achieving main mission goal. 5 points for achieving sub-goal. ? points for other victories. -Points for losing important units. The way that the player''s use the tools at their disposal is then up to them. Player health and starting ammo / units etc. is defined at the beginning of play. To ensure a balance (as opposed to carrying on health, and ammo as in Doom and Half-Life). Handicaps can also be selected if need be.

You know that scene in Gladiator where Maximus commands the slaves in militray formation to rout their assailants (who, btw, were better armed and equipped with cutting-edge technology, literally )? That has elements of both sports (staged challenge) and RTS (tactical control, amongst others). I think the first games of this type to be created would focus on tournament-style, small-scale battles - and not necessarily medieval. Think Laser Tag. Think a mutliplayer/multicharacter SmashTV (remember that game for NES?).

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