
RPG-FPS hybrids.

Started by June 10, 2001 11:52 PM
5 comments, last by Shadow_870 23 years, 3 months ago
I see there are mostely RPG fans here. I like RPGs quite a bit, but I prefer the first person shooter. Well lately there have been these RPG-FPS hybrids coming out. I was just wondering what everybody here thought of them. Me personally i think the idea is good and has a lot of potental, but none of the titles seem to blend them together as well as I''d like to see. All of them seem to be about 90% FPS and 10% RPG. Games like Deus Ex and Diakatana (if you can really call it a game) seem to be more action then anything. Well Deus Ex did a really nice job I personally think, the games absolutely glorious but still I''d like to develope a character like in the fallout series, you know the ability to change anything on the character. Now System Shock 2 did the best blending of the two generes if you ask me, you could augament anything in that game. You agility, strength, psi factor and everything in between. The only bad thing is they are hard to make multiplayer games for them, since RPGing in a deathmatch dosn''t work the greatest. So what do the rest of you think about these RPG-FPS hybrids, do you think they will start to become a major type of game or just be kind of a fad? Here at Shadow Arms Inc. we are making the world a better place, by developing new ways to blow up the people who make it a bad place.
Here at Shadow Arms Inc. we are making the world a better place, by developing new ways to blow up the people who make it a bad place.
I think System Shock 2 was the model FPS / RPG game. They went so far as to change the FPS physics when the RPG elements changed, which was a very nice touch.

I think the blends work fine when the RPG is hack&slash and little more is expected. But action and RPG games seem to be on the opposite ends of the spectrum: In the RPG, you''re expected to think about what you''re doing and the consequences on the game world. In FPS, it''s kill or be killed, which is much more primal. SS2 worked well precisely because of the setting: A malfunctioning starship overrun by mutant zombies and robots trying to kill you. There was little need for NPC interaction or non-combat gameplay in that kind of environment-- which was brilliant!

Because RPGs-- even the best-- really break down into combat and puzzle solving (missions/quests), I think there''s a lot of potential for this hybrid. As soon as someone figures out how to do swordplay well, I''m sure we''ll be overrun with FPS/RPGs (since most are medieval anyway!!! )

I see much more potential for RPGs that are (F)irst (P)erson, but not (S)hooters, though. That''s because I think a lot of RP''ers want more than just shooting.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
See the other thread regarding Thief 2. Putting aside arguments on what is an RPG and what is not, Thief 2 is possibly more RPG-like in some ways than System Shock 2, and less so in others. Depends on your criteria. Certainly there is a lot less emphasis on killing things in Thief 1 and 2.

I would say that the first person perspective certainly adds something to RPG-like games. If done well, there is an added sense of immersion given by the reduced viewarea, stereo sound, better use of height and depth, and so on. But it''s hard to do better than a nice tile engine, which can be photorealistic with very little effort.
I am following the RPG-FPS "scene" very closely as I am currently atempting to prototype a game of that very sort. I work for a small indie start-up company called Syndicate Studios and we are currently working on a title called Chryalis which is going to be a fantasy MMORPG with a lot of visceral FPS action in it. No, the focus won''t be on how many frags you can get but party-building, team work, forging alliances and building your own empire from somewhat humble beginnings. I think that if done right, these types of games can offer a really unique and involving experience for players (in other words, they can be addicting as all hell) however, I have found that no games boasting RPG and FPS elements has really impressed me yet as most tend to heavily lean one way or the other.
Check out Wizards and Warriors. I know the graphics are a little behind for the times but the game it self is sound
Maheedhar SonthineniBlack Tempest
Well, here''s my own opinion on FPS-RPG''s: Theif II (never played I) and Deus Ex are among the best games I''ve ever played (I never played System Shock II, but I have seen other people play it). The cross between genres that each game used gave them their opportunity for uniqueness. I''ll never forget either of them, and hope that more games can carry as big of impact as they did in the future.

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
The first FPS-RPG I played was Strife, which was a licensee of the Doom engine, yonks back. Good for its time, but still sorely limited (semi-linear plot line). To be honest, I''ve not seen anything better in modern times.

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