
Game Foundations and Attractions

Started by June 08, 2001 03:30 PM
1 comment, last by Gaming Knight 23 years, 3 months ago
Dear Fellow readers, Please excuse me for making this post, as some of you may see it as boring ranting, but on my end, I find this rather interesting for game design. I would like to talk about Game foundations and how we are attracted to them. We see game foundations everywhere, and yet we might not realize it. Take a look at the legendary Mario from Mario Brothers. His foundation is that he used to fight Donkey Kong on a regular basis. And we are now attracted to him because of the many friends and enemies around Mario. King Koopa, Priness Toadstool, Luigi, Starman, and many others. And the formula is the same. Princess Toadstool gets kidnapped by King Koopa, and Mario and Luigi must go rescue her. They defeat King Koopa, and they get Princess Toadstool, and they live happily. That''s the founation. Here is a new attraction I just came up with. First off, why does King Koopa continue to kidnapp Princess Toadstool? Why does she allow herself to get kidnapped? I mean, she can hide, after all. Has anyone noticed that King Koopas children have facial similarities between Koopa, and Princess Toadstool? I know that Mario is rescuing the princess because he likes the princess. But why does luigi do it? Does he have a hidden aganda? Does he like th princess too? I think it would be cool if these questions was answered in a game by Nintendo. I think it would actually sell. Does anyone remember the smash arcade hit, Alien Vs. Predator? That whole game was made because of fanboy propaganda. And it was played like maddness when it was finally released. The foundation was created by the intro alone. The music of the situation was perfect. The Aliens invaded California and wrecked everything. The city was evacuated. All who was left was 2 android soliers fighting off the aliens, and the soldiers knew that they was going to die. so, they wanted to take as many aliens with them as possible. Suddenly, there was a flash of white light, and the aliens of that area was obliterated. And when the soliers looked up, all they saw was 3 Predatorslookin back at them and the Predators said to the soldiers "Come with us". The scene intro was nice indeed, but it was when people saw the logo, when their draws dropped. Black screen, with a narrow glowing slit in the middle, and then the trademark Alien logo appears. Then a bunch of narrow lines formed on the bottom until it made the Trademark Predator Logo. And then the letters VS came in the middle. That gave people attraction enough to play the game. And the game was cool. People liked it very much. We can even use Lara Croft as an example. As much as people hate her, her foundation was more than just T.&A. She had a style and charisma that people liked. And her occupation? She was a relic hunter. She could search for anything, just like Indiana Jones does. She even has the scene with the rolling ball chasing her! Taking a look at her now, there are even more projects of her comming along the way, she has her own erotic literature book. her character attracted female gamers, many game magazines said. people sit down and wonder how the creators of Lara Croft done it. I think the foundation and attraction to Lara Croft had alot to do with it. If you look at all of us, we are mainly around the ages of 17 and up, with pogramming experience for videogames ever since was was 8 or younger, and growing. We cannot be denied. We are the future game developers for the future gaming era. Do we have our game foundations and attractions ready? I mean, it is obvious, that about 5 years from now, we will all know how to program professionally. So, what ideas can we make from our programming? Here are a few questions that I ask myself when I think of game designs, and if you ask yourself these questions, the might help ou too. 1. Who would win in a fist fight? The Trix Rabbit, or the Nestle Quik Rabbit? 2. Who would win in a fist fight? Tony the Tiger, or Sugarbear? 3. who would be left standing in a bar fight? Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer fudd, Taz, or Porkey pig? 4. Who would survive in the jungle? the Ikari warriors, or the Contra warriors? Who would survive in a shootout? The Taco Bell dog, or the Blockbuster Video Dancing baby? If you take a look at these questions, you will notice something. They make no sense, you will lose partial focus from your game designs, and they are funny in a sense. If you noticed this, keep on asking yourself question like that. they were made to make you relax, and lose focus. the harder you look for a unique game design, the better it will hide. Stop looking for it, and think of senseless things, and the unique game design will find you. Who out here remembers a game that had enough foundation and attraction to make it unforgettable in their minds? Any game at all. This boy you see here dreams about making games. With his passion and dedication for the love of games, he will one day grow into a man who will talk about the games he has made. Gaming Knight. "That''''s what I am."
This boy you see here dreams about making games. With his passion and dedication for the love of games, he will one day grow into a man who will talk about the games he has made.Gaming Knight."That''s what I am."
Erm, excuse me, but what was that topic about? Yes, nice AvsP description, oh, and Marios, yet feels like something is missing.

What is it with that post? That should be a new topic probably.


Boby Dimitrov
Boby Dimitrovhttp://forums.rpgbg.netBulgarian RPG Community
My Linux Opera doubled the posts again. Maybe it has something to say too. Oh, and that's Porkey, standing in a bar fight. He actually got it started, without even knowing it. As usual.

Boby Dimitrov

Edited by - BobyDimitrov on June 8, 2001 4:42:15 PM
Boby Dimitrovhttp://forums.rpgbg.netBulgarian RPG Community

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