
Racing games......

Started by June 06, 2001 07:21 AM
6 comments, last by Scouser In Exile 23 years, 3 months ago
I know this is a departure from the usual RPG based posts but: In racing games, would you rather have realistic damage models or recognisable licenced cars? One of the bigest critisisms of the GT series was the fact you couldn''t roll or damage your cars, coz the manufacturers don''t like to see stuff like that happen to their cars. Whaddaya you lot think?
(Personally I''d rather play a more arcade / action / strategy "racing" game).

This is an interesting issue. I think that Real Licenses DO attract certain players, in the same way that REAL NAMES in Football games is also a big draw. It gives these players the ability to relate to it, and the fantasy ? that they are driving something as close to reality as possible. I drive a Alpha Romeo in my spare time etc.

Why do you want realistic damage modelling?

To what use would realistic damage modelling be put? Would it be to emphasise the skill of the driver (like an additional scoring system based on damage). To allow the player to be more combatative. To provide the realism that some players crave?
recognizable licensed cars.

That was just the coolest part of GT(2), very well modeled realistic cars based off actual designs.

I''d love to see realistic damage models, but the core of the game is driving really fast in cool cars - and the "in cool cars" part is more important than being able to have cool crashes.
CD "but the core of the game is driving really fast in cool cars - and the "in cool cars" part is more important than being able to have cool crashes. "

Indeed, crashes and damage in racing games are what happen when you mess up!

As a big racing fan, I totally agree with Ketch & the Duck

Realistic damage might work well if you could recover better, but then that wouldn''t be realistic. Maybe realistic damage should be saved for something like a demolition derby?

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Is there any good multiplayer racing game?

I still contest that Wave Race 64 is the best racing game I''ve ever played . Other than that I like both Flag to Flag and MSR on DC, both have options for realistic damage which is nice. Older generation games I''d have to go with Top Gear 2000 and R.C. Pro Am. The bottom line is fun is fun, some people dig real model cars and you may sell more (commercial games obviously) with real cars simply because people recognize the name (kind of like name-brand vs. generic food products).

Hehehe, who needs real damage to real cars, in a computer game...

(Bricks are cool! heheheh)

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