
Text design...

Started by May 22, 2001 01:08 PM
7 comments, last by agari 23 years, 3 months ago
I heard you can make RPG''s using only text no grafix... Does anyone know how to make such games?
A great writer has said, "It is not how good the writer is which affects the reader, but the thesis of the story."
Yes, Yes I do.

Well, it''s just that. You make your rpg and use text to describe the environnements, characters and events instead of relying on graphics.
I once tried to make an rogue clone in Pascal , and I got along pretty well. Delayed the project indefinetely after 10.000 lines. I''m still planning to come back on that one though

So, try playing ADOM, Nethack, Moria (source code is available online), till you know what theire about and then just code a simple clone.

Or if you want a text game with text commands and text descriptions of what happens (like MUDS), try Prolog ! Once you get it its _very_ easy to use, very powerfull, can do natural language processing, can compile exe, etc.

Here is a great tutorial that throws you in Prolog and before you know it you have a game !
As a matter of fact, there is a serie of tutorials on RPGPlanet that explain just how to do that ... that''s your lucky day.

youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Is everyone forgetting where massively multiplayer RPG''s came from?

MUDS... Most muds are made from free source, and they''re generally fully textual...

MUDS and MOO''S..

some even have an ascii map .. in case u get lost in the world..

{ Stating the obvious never helped any situation !! }
Thanx for the help...
A great writer has said, "It is not how good the writer is which affects the reader, but the thesis of the story."
Just a question, but how old are you Agri?

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