

Started by May 15, 2001 09:39 AM
2 comments, last by Kylotan 23 years, 3 months ago
(Sorry if this has been posted already recently - I did a search on relevant terms and found nothing.) Has anyone seen the article in the recent Game Developer Magazine, explaining the benefits of having someone who is a joint programmer-designer? It goes into quite a bit of detail and cites many good examples. (I don''t think it''s been posted on Gamasutra yet... no idea if it will be.) The reason I bring this up is because many people on this board have vehemently disagreed with my assertion that the best designers are nearly always programmers too (and that the best game programmers are nearly always designers too). So it''s nice to see the viewpoint in print in a respectable publication.
Shouldn''t this thread be called ''I told you so''

I agree with you completely. I dont understand how a person can be a good programmer and not know how to design a program. It is part of being a programmer. How can you program something of substantial porportion without having some sort of structure of what he is working from. Even before I actually knew a programming language I was able to understand the importance of design, which is why i feel when i did learn C\C++ it was a lot eaiser.

"There is humor in everything depending on which prespective you look from."
"There is humor in everything depending on which prespective you look from."
I started programming because of my desire to give flesh to my ideas.

The more I learn, the more ideas I get...

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