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Bouncing Algorithm

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13 comments, last by mmarvi 24 years, 6 months ago
Just a simple algorithm: If you are dealing with a box aligned on the X and Y axises, just invert the relevant component of the velocity when the object impacts the wall. For example, when it hits the top or bottom wall, invert the Y component, and when it hits the left or right wall, invert the X component.

Anything more complex will deal with calculations against the surface normal of the wall at the impact point.

- Splat

Hi Splat,

I want an algorithm that will respond to the ball hitting the paddle or targets on the middle of the board. And I want it to be realistic. For example, what do I do when the ball hits the extreme left half of the rectangular paddle, I don't think you can just inverse the x and y velocities. Please include some code samples.

Well one thing that you can do is to break the paddle up into portions, by that I mean that you make an array or something to store the three "paddles" i.e. instead of storing the paddle coordinates like:
(or if in only 1d then just use the top line of my example)
+------------+|            |+------------+   

on the +'s you break the one paddle up into three paddles like so.
+--+------+--+|  |      |  |+--+------+--+

so you actually make three paddles, then when you test for the ball hitting the paddle you can deflect it normally for the middle section and deflect it on a greater angle when it hits the side sections.

I am assuming that is what you want right?

And with this example you can split it up into more than three sections and use as many as you want.

What do you think Splat & mmarvi???

Visit - http://www.eisa.net.au/~sdgrab/index.html

[This message has been edited by Dæmin (edited December 01, 1999).]

Daemin(Dominik Grabiec)
First off, the idea presented above is what most people use for Breakout-style games and hockey games, so for simplicity sake I would recommend that. Otherwise, you will need to use the surface normal at the impact point to figure out the resulting velocity vector for the puck. It's generally covered in Physics courses. I have no drawings to help you, you will have to search around for info or find an old Physics book. Also, if you want to take into account friction, rotational speed on the puck and the current movement of the paddle you need to do some more calculations. However, it's likely you really don't want this much reality, and that the above algorithm (with a little tweaking) will work fine for your purposes.

- Splat

Hi Dom,

Thanks for your advice, it sounds like a good idea. However, at what angle should I deflect the ball when it hits the "side paddles", i.e. not the middle paddle? If possible, include some code samples.

How about using a degree-based direction on the specific object?
Ok, the calculations may be quite slow, and i don't know if this tip will achieve anything, but i'll post it anyway..

By using a degree-based direction on the "ball" (G, don't even know the english word on the hockey thing, so i'll use ball instead,ok?), the bounce algorithm is quite easy.

Suppose you put a huge cylinder on the ice, and a ball bounces towards it:

//Ball movement algorightm
ball.x = cos(ball.dir)*ball.speed;
ball.y = sin(ball.dir)*ball.speed;

//a funcion that determines if the ball is //"inside" the cylinder
if (In_Cylinder(ball.x,ball.y))

//Check the angle at the point on the //cylinder where the ball boundces
float cylinderdir = atan(ball.y/ball.x);

//The difference between the ball direction //and the cylinder point direction
float dirchange = ball.dir-cylinder.dir;

//Set the new angle
ball.dir = cylinder.dir-dirchange;

//This whole example may be complemented //with some "%"-functions also

The way i see it, the main problem is finding a good algorithm for the
InCylinder() - function. It's easy making this function, but hard to make it go fast.

Please do not use this specific example in your program. I just got a brainstorm while reading this post, and i thought it would be something to think of.

--Electron"The truth can be changed simply by the way you accept it.""'General failure trying to read from file' - who is General Failure, and why is he reading my file??"
Well for the 3 section paddle I would suggest that when the end paddles are hit then you reflect the puck off as normal but then you add 45 degrees in the direction that where the segment is (I.e. Right segment, then ad 45 degrees to the right) to your output puck vector.


1)             / <- Incoming vector            /+--+----+--+2)         \  <- Outgoing vector          \+--+----+--+3)        +45 degrees right         \ | <- Final vector (roughly)          \|+--+----+--+

In the first picture we have the incoming vector, the second is the unmodified outgoing vector, then in the third picture we have the "final" outgoing vector with the 45 degrees added to it.

Do you roughly get what I mean?

And if you wanted to add more segments then you could alter the angles that are added(taken away in some cases) to get a different effect.

Visit - http://www.eisa.net.au/~sdgrab/index.html

[This message has been edited by Dæmin (edited December 02, 1999).]

Daemin(Dominik Grabiec)
for a 2d bouncing algorithm, you need only two things. a) a line segment that describes the surface off of which the puck will be bouncing(x1,y1) and (x2,y2), and b) the x,y velocity of the puck. (its a PUCK, not a ball)

1. calculate the angle in which the linesegment goes.

it doesnt matter if you go from x1,y1 to x2,y2 or the other way. it JUST DOESNT MATTER.

dont use atan, use atan2, to avoid division by 0


2. get the normal of the surface angle


(you can also subtract pi/2, it doesnt really matter)

3. get the incoming angle of the ball

again, using atan2

//x and y are the x and y components of the balls velocity

4. reverse the incoming angle(we are going to be reflecting this angle across the normal angle, so we need it outgoing)


(or -=pi if you like)

5. calculate the outgoing angle


6. adjust the x,y of the ball's speed



Get off my lawn!


Thanks for your algorithm. However, I'm a little confused about what the variables represent. Will this particular algorithm slow down the game any? Do you have any code samples on this algorithm?

no, i dont have any code samples for that algorithm. its a purely mathematical algo.

however, the cost shouldnt be too bad... two calls to atan2 and one call each to cos and sin, with a few floating point mults and adds.

Get off my lawn!

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