
How far along is your project?

Started by August 06, 2006 03:42 PM
51 comments, last by Michalson 17 years, 11 months ago
Well, I'm working on gameplay first, and that's coming along slowly. The game is starting to be limited playable.

Graphics/sound will come after it's playable.
Quote: Original post by OrangyTang
Quote: Original post by Prinz Eugn
guesses at progress are usually tragically miscalculated


Yes. I got this quote from Code Complete (paraphrasing since I don't feel like getting the book):

The first 90% of the project takes up the first 90% of the time. The remaining 10% of the project takes up the other 90% of the time.
Quote: Original post by Ezbez
The first 90% of the project takes up the first 90% of the time. The remaining 10% of the project takes up the other 90% of the time.

Nice. Yeah I understand that it's difficult to estimate your progress, just with the screenshots that have been posted it looks as though a few of the projects are to an extent, playable, while I don't have anything remotely interactive yet.
Progress is born from the opportunity to make mistakes.

My prize winning Connect 4 AI looks one move ahead, can you beat it? @nickstadb
I'm still thinking, whether I should make anything, or not.
Well, for a while it was going good. I was producing something new everyday. Then...something majorly bad hits and I have to get a profiler. So, I am going with VTune. Also, I am switching IDE's cause Dev is just getting gay and screwy with me. So I am now using Visual C++ Express Edition. I need to install the platform SDK still. has been about 2 weeks since we have worked. :(. What makes it worse is that we still have a lot to go and we are behind schedule. Hopefully I can get started soon!

Quote: I'm still thinking, whether I should make anything, or not.

I'm in this boat too. I've got an idea & I've got the design all planned out.
I'm just trying to decide if I'm going to actually get something done...
well i just completely scrapped my text based idea and i'm now workingt on some sort of puzzle entry
Quote: Original post by InsaneBoarder234
I can't help but ask how far along everyone is with their projects?

~3 meters

I'm writing a GUI library, started 2 days ago with some of the unit testing, so about 2%.
Quote: Original post by Silent_Bob
Quote: I'm still thinking, whether I should make anything, or not.

I'm in this boat too. I've got an idea & I've got the design all planned out.
I'm just trying to decide if I'm going to actually get something done...

The thing is, I have no design or idea.

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