
Realistic RTS's anyone? (3)

Started by February 20, 2001 10:12 AM
6 comments, last by SatanAngel 23 years, 6 months ago
I'm designing an RTS game at the moment set in the middle ages (like AOE II), and I wondered whether anyone would buy it. I'm trying to make it as realistic as possible, because I feel that there are no realistic RtS's out at all. Everything will be realistic in my game, even time-scale (Build a castle with 5 peasants and it will actually take several years to build! - though obviously you don't wait around that long but click buttons to speed up the game in days, weeks, months, and years). All buildings take the right number of resources to build, and there are over 100 different types of buildings available, and over 100 different types of units, and oover 100 different types of jobs (that's a lot of 100's). My game will also be part RPG, as you control a hero directly, but you can't control any other units unless you give them ordes by being near them, or sending breifed officers to command them. You can advance your base from a village (of around 20 houses), to an empire (of around 100000000 houses+ (obviously you can build vast housing plots of up to 100 buildings at a time, but it takes time and effort to become an empire). The battle sequences are more impressive, as a unit can die from one arrow or sword thrust. The game has tactics too, such as Wall Of Spears (see Braveheart, battle of stirling). Archers are more impressive too, as they are more prone to miss, but when they do hit they can kill with one shot (best used in large numbers). Each civilisation will have different dress senses, and there are over 10 campaigns of around 12 missions each, giving an almost endless supply of interest, because I feel that games end too quickly and become boring after they end. I am also attempting to capture true barbarity in the battles, especially with barbarians, using dismemberment, guts, blood, and so on. Buildings will not go on fire from arrows (except fiery arrows) and weapons, but will slowly look more and more bashed until it collapses. I thought of having clips from films such as Braveheart and Gladiator as video clips. Units will gain experience from battles , and will promote themselves on their own. Tournaments will take place, and ceremonies. Knights will be have to be squires first most of the time. I want the AI to be brilliant, almost as good as a human player on multiplayer, and the graphics also to be amazing. The maps will be tens of thousands of miles long (obviously not to scale). I also want any reasonable computer to be able to play it. But is it worth it if no-one will buy it? E-mail (if not already shown) is: PS. "Supremacy: The Barbarian Age is a challenging game of combat and conquest, spanning the time of the Middle Ages: from the collapse of the Eastern Roman Empire and the beginning of the Dark Ages, to the Renaissance during the end of the Late Middle Ages. You control one of 20 civilisations, including English, Turks, and Goths, and lead them to victory by establishing small farming villages and expanding them into mighty empires. Overcome defying civilisations that stand in your way using cunning tactics and overwhelming armies accounting to thousands of soldiers. Play real-time historical battles, and watch the blood and gore as barbarians charge into the enemy wielding double-bladed axes and giant bone clubs. Use archers to fire volleys of arrows into the foe before sending forth the heavy cavalry to decimate them. But there are peaceful elements too. Construct vast housing plots of hundreds of houses to increase your population, build towers and castles to fortify your borders, and grow crops in farming areas. Clear land by cutting down trees using Lumber Camps and Timber Yards, and chip stone with Stone Camps and Quarries. Mine minerals, ores and gems in mines, and build Smith’s workshops to smelt them and shape them for jewellery, pottery, or weapons and tools. Collect hundreds of different resources, including over fifty different types of food. In campaigns, lead famous historical heroes and leaders to war, and direct people around you to carry out your will. Will your empire stand the test of time, and will you rule supreme?" "A man with no head is not very useful" Edited by - SatanAngel on February 20, 2001 11:35:57 AM
"A man with no head is not very useful"
Okay. Thanks for letting us know.

Knife Guy
DAMN, you''ll also need 100 years to make the game...

I could barely believe my eyes when I saw this post. I have been planning something essentially the same for ages, but havent been able to design it, let alone make it.
I hope your time-scale idea works, but just remember, if it takes 5 minutes for a unit to walk from his house to the corner store, and if you speed up the game by years per minute, you wont be able to see him walking there. Nor will you see the battles, because they will pass in a few seconds.
Just thought I''d point that out.


ps Oh, I almost forgot... the one arrow kill idea, I thought of that too but then I realised that an arrow might hit the soldier in the foot, or glance off his armour, and NOT kill him if it were realistic.
if you want to slag it out with me, mail
On my cloud where I belong...Goober
What you''re aiming for essentially sounds like Defenders of the Crown, an old C-64 game (that I spent endless hours playing). If you go through with it, consider a main game map that shows your territories, and how and by whom they are ruled. If you move troops to other territories, zoom in to a sort of AoE II / Dune 2000 / C&C - like view that lets you take specific control over units, in the form that you explained before.

This way, you can literally support the economy of an empire / kingdom through statistics (literal millions of units available), and dedicate smaller armies to fighting directly in battles. You could allow battles to take place via statistical combat, AI-controlled combat, or direct point''n'' click combat.


quote: Original post by goober

I could barely believe my eyes when I saw this post. I have been planning something essentially the same for ages, but havent been able to design it, let alone make it.
I hope your time-scale idea works, but just remember, if it takes 5 minutes for a unit to walk from his house to the corner store, and if you speed up the game by years per minute, you wont be able to see him walking there. Nor will you see the battles, because they will pass in a few seconds.
Just thought I''d point that out.


ps Oh, I almost forgot... the one arrow kill idea, I thought of that too but then I realised that an arrow might hit the soldier in the foot, or glance off his armour, and NOT kill him if it were realistic.
if you want to slag it out with me, mail

Battles wouldn''t pass in a few seconds because no-one would be boring enough as to skip time and miss the battle.
About the arrow thing - the computer does a random thingy mix to see which part of the soldier''s body gets hit (if it''s a direct hit and not a volley then the computer adds the archer''s skill to it) and if it''s a vital part then the soldier will die if not then they will either walk slower (foot), fight slower (arm) or whatever and lose some health.

"A man with no head is not very useful"
"A man with no head is not very useful"
It sounds great but I dont think movie companies will like you using scenes from their movies in your game© Especailly when your selling/making money from them©
CorsairK8@Fnemesis.comLinux Debian/GNU RulezThis is my signitory!C Is Tha Best!
You can't copyright a battle you know so they cant do jack. Second if he wants to make something like the movies let him do it as long as it doesn't have a big sign on the cover saying that it is based on this movie.

Edited by - hoside on February 25, 2001 12:38:58 AM

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