
4E5 Technology

Started by June 05, 2006 12:04 PM
75 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 10 months ago
Name: undetermined
Genre: undetermined

Language: ActionScript 2.0
Rendering: Flash Player
Input: Flash Player
Sound: Flash Player
UI: undetermined

Art tools: Photoshop CS2, Poser 6
Audio tools: Acid Pro, SoundForge
Name: The Adventures of Pogo-Stick Larry
Genre: Platformer
Language(s): Python
Dimensions: 2D
Rendering: PyGame
Input: PyGame again
Sound: PyGame's on a roll!
UI: Either wxPython or something that I come up with myself.

I'm the only one using Python thus far... I feel left out [depressed]
------------------------------Support the Blue Skies in Games Campaign!A blog... of sorts.As a general rule, if you don't have a general rule in your signature, you aren't as awesome as someone who does. General rules roxor teh big one one ones.
Name: TBD
Language: C++
Dimensions: Text-Based

Seems like I'm the first to call doing a text-based entry, hope some others do too though.
<quote>What's wrong with the UI included with DXUT?</quote>

To be honest, I don't really know anything about it ;) Google isn't turning up much help, either. Where might I be able to find out more about using it in managed code?
"Game Programming" in an of itself does not exist. We learn to program and then use that knowledge to make games.
Quote: Original post by Instruo
<quote>What's wrong with the UI included with DXUT?</quote>

To be honest, I don't really know anything about it ;) Google isn't turning up much help, either. Where might I be able to find out more about using it in managed code?

There is a sample that uses its features right in the DirectX SDK.

[Edited by - Sr_Guapo on June 5, 2006 11:56:58 PM]
Sean Henley [C++ Tutor]Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Name: Undecided
Genre: arcade (top-down shooter) (preliminary)
Language: C#
Dimensions: 2D
Graphics: BooGame (2D OpenGL accelerated)
Music: BooGame
Input: BooGame

Music: Undecided
I have two games planned. In order of creation:

Name: The Eurasian Conflict
Genre: Turn-Based Strategy
Graphics: GDI - 2D Overhead. Since I cant draw I want to find as many free graphics as possible
Sound: We'll cross that bridge when we get there (see graphics)

Name: Eurotrip
Genre: Simulation
Graphics and Sound: same as above

I have two games planned because it seems like most games were going to be war based and so I wanted to have another that was a bit more creative but it seems that somebody else has also thought of a similar idea for a non-war game. I'm not that creative after all [sad]
Genre: RTS
Language: C++
Dimensions: 3
Rendering: Direct3D 8.1
Input: WinAPI
Sound: DirectSound+Show or OpenAL+OGG
UI: Homebrew - but I'm going to release it for free.
It's a bit early for me to be making these kind of decisions, but my technology will probably be as follows:

Name: No clue yet. Might have "Euro" in the title somewhere
Genre: Also no clue, unless "sickeningly cute" qualifies
Language(s): C and/or C++
Dimensions: 2D, but may have some 3D special effects
Rendering: OpenGL
Input: SDL
Sound: Either FMOD or SDL_Mixer
UI: Depends a bit on what genre I decide, but will probably be my own
Graphics: Inkscape, The GIMP, whatever else I need to do the job
Music: MODPlug Tracker
Sound FX: Audacity
Name: Unsure, tentative ideas only thus far
Genre: Top-down shooter
Language: Likely to be my first C# project
Dimensions: 2.5
Rendering: Irrlicht.NET (based on Irrlicht 1.0)
Input: SDL Joystick, Irrlicht input
Sound: No idea
UI: Irrlicht's GUI system

On another note, am I the only one that's finding it hard to find a good strong weighting for each of the elements?

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