
[4E5] Screenshots and Art

Started by June 05, 2006 10:15 AM
351 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 9 months ago
Quote: Original post by shadowcomplex
*img snip*

This is an early screenshot from my entry, Underome. There are no shadows or particles yet, and the terrain artwork is temporary, but the screenshot does show the finished model of the Skirk, which was created by Juri Unt.

The general idea of the game is that you are a Skirk trainer in Rome. There are illegal and secret Skirk fights that take place in Underome, the arena secretly built below the Coliseum. You can buy and sell Skirks (male and female) and Skirk eggs, breed your Skirks, and train them to try and make them as ferocious as possible. And of course, each week you get to enter some of your Skirks into the Underome and fight them against other Skirks.

A brief write-up of the game can be found at my website.

The game is written in C++ using my 2D games framework, Miracle2D, which uses Win32 for rendering and input, etc.

At the first glance, reminded me of Dune.. hmmm.. looks nice though.. :).

Thanks a lot. The visual style is reminiscent of Dune, of which I am a huge fan. The gameplay is considerably different and hopefully people will find it interesting. I'll be posting some more screenshots/videos soon. Again, thanks for your input.
Quote: Original post by handless

for your minimap do you call a for loop everyframe using an array? or do you somehow call it once when things change? I'm still trying to figure out how to have a dynamically updated minimap w/o rendering several images to represent each tile everyframe.. right now I got 1 image that spans the entire minimap, but I can't update it to show differen't types of tiles w/o loading over 1000 images 60 times a second.

Well I've made something very similar to what oberon has done. What I did was render the tiles to a texture whenever it needed to be changed, then just blit that one texture to the screen every frame. I was using HGE at the time, and it is very simple to do render targets with that. However, I don't know the exact procedure for doing the same in dx/ogl/etc, but it's a possibility.

Quote: Original post by handless

for your minimap do you call a for loop everyframe using an array? or do you somehow call it once when things change? I'm still trying to figure out how to have a dynamically updated minimap w/o rendering several images to represent each tile everyframe.. right now I got 1 image that spans the entire minimap, but I can't update it to show differen't types of tiles w/o loading over 1000 images 60 times a second.

Well, essentially, this is how it works:

* there is a std::vector that holds the pixel data for the map (did this so that I could make the map resizable without having to worry about reallocation), each pixel represents one tile
* the renderer goes through the list of values and draws them on the screen pixel by pixel
* there is a function called buildMiniMap that goes through the entire tile map and puts the colors into the minimap map, then does the same for units
* buildMiniMap is called once per frame, immediately before rendering

Quote: Original post by Oberon_Command
Quote: Original post by handless

for your minimap do you call a for loop everyframe using an array? or do you somehow call it once when things change? I'm still trying to figure out how to have a dynamically updated minimap w/o rendering several images to represent each tile everyframe.. right now I got 1 image that spans the entire minimap, but I can't update it to show differen't types of tiles w/o loading over 1000 images 60 times a second.

Well, essentially, this is how it works:

* there is a std::vector that holds the pixel data for the map (did this so that I could make the map resizable without having to worry about reallocation), each pixel represents one tile
* the renderer goes through the list of values and draws them on the screen pixel by pixel
* there is a function called buildMiniMap that goes through the entire tile map and puts the colors into the minimap map, then does the same for units
* buildMiniMap is called once per frame, immediately before rendering

Thanks alot, i've tried several ways to render that every frame, but everything always seemed to lower the framerate a bit to much. After a bit of trial and error I think I found something that remotely works, which is basically what your program does. All the pixel information is saved, units, buildings, tiles, in an array and when it comes time to be drawn, all the information is converted into a pixel map and drawn on the screen (with each pixel representing 1/4 of the tile). I still don't know how to eliminate the array from the process..

Check out my 4E6 progress!( Personal Guarantee! You will NOT get rick-rolled. )
Render the minimap once, then every time you change a tile, having the change tile function change the corresponding pixel color on the minimap, or maybe set up a queue
of pixels to change next frame.
if( == SATISFYING){money.send(1.00,&HemoGloben);return thanks;}
Quote: Original post by HemoGloben
Render the minimap once, then every time you change a tile, having the change tile function change the corresponding pixel color on the minimap, or maybe set up a queue
of pixels to change next frame.

my current setup does just that pretty much. I still have the array, but as Naxos said, everytime things change I create an image file using the data in the array and rendor that image file everyframe. Seems to work for now, thanks.

back on topic heres a couple screens of a map editor i'm working on. comments, suggestions, crits ( the good or ugly ), always welcome.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Check out my 4E6 progress!( Personal Guarantee! You will NOT get rick-rolled. )
I'd say it looks pretty good for an editor.
Quote: Original post by handless
I still don't know how to eliminate the array from the process..

Well, what you could do is use the actual tile data itself. Basically, you iterate through the tiles and as you draw them on the main map, draw them to an offscreen buffer using the pixel values. Then, blit that to the screen.

Just got fog of war working.
Here are some shots from my own little work in progress. These were taken right after a rewrite of a big portion of the codebase.

Menu with settings dialog open:
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Map screen where you select which mission to play:
Free Image Hosting at

Actual game, just a jumping box for now...:
Free Image Hosting at

The console with some info. FPS is actually higher in-game than in the menu:
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