
Discussing Landfishian theology..

Started by January 28, 2001 12:29 AM
49 comments, last by Niphty 23 years, 6 months ago
quote: Original post by Wavinator

I suspect that for games like Ultima Online it was simply tolerance and the novelty of the experience. People had to hack at trees, dig for ore, and do other mindless stuff just to get on with the interesting meat of exploring and fighting and such.

I honestly believe the designers of UO were going for a simulated economy, but failed to realize it sucks to spend hours of real time clicking on a tree.

What do you give them to do? Well, what is there that''s interesting to do?!?! If it''s solely fighting, then cool: But that fighting better be detailed and intricate enough to hold them for months! If you''re putting in time sinks just to keep them, then you''re kind of like the old arcade designers that threw in impossible obstacles just to make the player drop a few more coins in the machine.

I agree w/ Wav. You have to figure out what the game will concentrate on. EQ may have been hack & slash, but the balance of the classes and the strategies was somewhat detailed.

I would suggest concentrating on some sort of political aspect. Use the fact that there are 1000s of players and let them build some a society of sorts and develop their own quests that come out of the fact that there are many players interacting.

Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself.
What a plight we who try to make a story-based game have...writers of conventional media have words, we have but binary numbers
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi

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