
Updated terrain demo

Started by January 09, 2001 04:27 PM
3 comments, last by Unicode 22 years, 6 months ago
I've updated my terrain demo:

It's a little more faster than the last one, because now I am synthesizing the terrain texture beforehand. This allows me to take advantage of single-pass rendering, instead of the slower multi-pass rendering. And I've managed to increase the size of the heightmap from a measly 65x65 to a whopping 1025x1025. Give it a go and see how fast it runs. Edited by - Unicode on January 9, 2001 5:31:26 PM
Pretty woot!

I get about 65fps on my Gforce2 in 640x480 mode.

I''m working on something similar, but I''m using octrees to build my terrain.

That is really cool. I would love to be able to do that. I made a very basic textureless terrain demo that used heightmaps like yours does. I don''t understand: how do you make huge landscapes? My one would go about 1 FPS if I made it that big . Even if I only render land to a certain distance, all the extra testing makes it slow. Are there any alternatives to BSP and octtrees? Well, I got 60 FPS, I''m not sure what graphics card I have but it''s not a good one. Thanks for the demo
Simon Price,

I use an implicit quadtree structure, meaning all the data is stored in the heightmap.
So, the structure itself uses no memory. Instead, I use an indexing method to retrieve
the data. This works well because the only limitation is the size of the heightmap.

That was really nice! I got 80 fps at 800x600 32 with Nvidia geforce 2.
You won''t let anyone look at the code will you?

Very nice!

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