
2D/Side Scrolling Games

Started by December 19, 2000 07:00 PM
11 comments, last by gdalston 23 years, 8 months ago
I love 2d: you can see the whole world with a single look, which gives the player a great control over the game world.

In 3d games you can only see the stuff camera shows you; e.g. you can''t see behind walls.

I just wish ppl made more 2d games still..Super Mario World was way better than Mario64.
I''m sure back in the early 80''s the arcade guys had the same conversation of Scrollers vs Stationary screen games. Mario vs Pacman for example....As technology improves people can do more with a game, and they usually don''t look back.

Mario 64 was very cool, and had some very cool play elements (like the pengiun race), but the 3D veiw got in the way ALOT. The other mario games were all very cool and I still play them to this day, they have that much replay value. I probably haven''t touched Mario 64 since a month or two after I bought it.
Symphony of the Night must be one of the most fun games ever made. It Rules.
I totally agree with the first post.. 2d games have lately been very overlooked. 2d Sidescolliers is a great genre and with todays technoligy you could do awsesome games.
But I am not saying that 3d is bad. 3d has it advantages and 2d has its its justa shame that big companies don''t make 2d game anymore. Only independant developers seem to be making 2d game sfor the PC nowdays. Its really a shame that gfx and tecnhology is more impotant than gameplay today. I am still having more fun with Mario than for example Unreal and Quake 2.
Thats about what I had to say.

and if you wanna see 2d line of sight check out my game Fiend at

Me Hardguy.
and here is my game...

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