
[4E4] Roll Call #2

Started by September 05, 2005 02:58 AM
33 comments, last by d000hg 18 years, 12 months ago
So it looks like a lot of people are dropping out of 4E...because of school ironcly enough. So basically I want to know if I have real competition or if I'm just going to be competing against myself here. ;) So who's entering 4E still?
I'm still entering, but it looks like my entry won't be up to my originally intended standards, I've got far less time available than I'd originally planned for.

- Jason Astle-Adams

After finally being able to complete some specific element of the engine, it looks like I'm good to go. Will still have to see though, since I'm not working according to a planning.
We're definitely entering.
------------------"Kaka e gott" - Me
I'm still in, and nearing completion.
Definitely in.

I was wondering as well - I reckon at least half the origianl entrants have/will give up, and half (at least) of those left won't meet the deadline. Wouldn't be suprised to see only a few entrants to the competition, which will show us that game programming isn't easy. All those wanting to do this professionally should learn A LOT from this contest I reckon.

Feel like I'm setting myself up for a fall here though, lecturing people [smile]
Well I'm still entering.
I wasted about 2 months doing nothing because of stupid problems with my engine, not sure what style of game to do (went through all genres) and the worse thing in the world, life problems lol.

Now I have decided to make use of lots of free resources, almost complete engine, some models and editors etc. Have my game almost etirley planned out now, it's a 3rd person adventure style game (i havn't seen anyone doing this and I thought it would be a change for me instead of FPS). Life problems are fixed and I actually have a lot of stuff implemented.

Also now a friend is gonna do the level design so thats a load off my mind again.

I'm really excited about this and even if I don't win (come on there's so much talent on gamedev) at least I have had the motivation to do something, learn and hopefully have a bit of a demo to show an employer.

Keep going people, can't wait to see other entry's. Good Luck!
Me in also
Pirate Tycoon is still growing and moving towards the deadline. So, I'm still in.

I'm not in the contest, but I do plan to complete the game I had planned at some point in the future (after I'm over my coder's block and motivation issues).

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