
How Extensible is Your Game?

Started by August 26, 2005 03:09 PM
4 comments, last by EDI 19 years ago
I was just curious: how extensible is everyone making their games? Are you aiming towards an end goal (a fully functional game) and not worrying about future extensions? Or are you on the opposite extreme and having your game be fully modable? Why, etc etc? If you are making it modable, how so? Scripts, plugins, etc? For my own answer: The game mechanics and renderer are both highly extensible because everything is a plug-in pretty much. I don't know how much of this I am actually going to document and expose to everyone for the entry, right now it is just for my own development. It is also to keep me from making everything dependent on everything, as is known to happen at times >_>
Turring Machines are better than C++ any day ^_~
I think extensibility is the future of gaming. We are really entering an era of customization that is just going to grow. Why should games be different?

We can choose when to watch our favorite TV shows thanks to Tivo, everyone has their own special ringtones on their cell phone, tattoos and piercings are now the norm instead of just for freaks. People want to make themselves feel special and individual.

Allowing your games to be modded or tweaked adds replayability and longevity to your game. This is becoming just as important as any other feature listed on the back of the box.

mine is pretty extensible i thing

although i don t use plugins for my renderer i do work a lot with abstraction to keep everything api independent
the core of the engine is build on top of a library which is written to standardize the basic steps of building up an engine

the library encapsulates all the getting start functionality like shader files, virtual file system, image loading/saving to more than 4 different file formats,
math library of course, cross platform network wrapper, single ton templates ,
several general and special purpose mesh classes useable with physics engine and both OpenGL and D3D, standard model format for static and dynamic models,
and a lot of other things that aren t finished yet, but in general i can start plug the engine together in whatever way i want to
the library does the core work for me so i can start up with a new engine from scratch within 2-3 hours of work :))))

code reuse and remaintainence is the core of future gaming and gamedevelopment

games become more and more complex and the only answer to keep track as a sole programmer is to standardize general processes to go on with more interesting and important things

10 years ago they wrote they linked list implementation when they needed a list nowadays you plug in the stl containers and do the work you aimed for a long time

in 10 years there will be development libraries that do all the basic work for you so you can concentrate on other things

at least thats what i expect and to save time i wrote my own library
Let me just put it this way: My game is 99% procedural and if you saw it - you would rip your eyes out.

I could update it if I were to contantly work on it, at least once every two days. Otherwise, it would probably take a month just to start working on it again; even with the supplied diagrams and development logs.
my game is using a pseudo-scripting language, where you just enter the variables and entities and such into text files (highly modable). I will also be releasing a easy to use point and click editor with my game.
Our game, Morning's Wrath can be completely modified, with the development tools you could technicaly make a nearly totaly different game, without needing to compile a thing.

All of the files, save images, sounds and maps are plain-text and in the clear, so modding is very simple.

Raymond Jacobs, Owner - Ethereal Darkness Interactive - EDIGamesCompany - @EDIGames

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