
[4E4] I've finally decided...

Started by August 07, 2005 09:35 AM
1 comment, last by Moe 19 years, 1 month ago
After wasting 31 days thinking about participating, and being very discouraged after looking at the "omg sexy!" screenshots, I have decided to get in the bandwagon. I have never actually got a game together (except for Tic-Tac-Toe), due to the fact that I start, write horribly organised code, scrap, restart, write badly organised code, ad infinitum. But I hope I can pull this through in 60 days :) I just started coding two days ago. Throughout yesterday, I was seriously battling with Freetype 2.1.10 compiling successfully in VC6, and I eventually failed. Decided to go with bitmap fonts. And my first screenshot [grin] Hot, isn't it?! :P
"C lets you shoot yourself in the foot rather easily. C++ allows you to reuse the bullet!"
Quote: Original post by liquidAir
Hot, isn't it?! :P

Dang right. Looks like you got me beat already...[rolleyes]

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