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NEWSFLASH: Ignorant newbie asks yet more ?'s

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16 comments, last by Newbie101 23 years, 9 months ago
ACtually, a good knowledge of programming can help.
I am quite a good programmer, and yet, not practicing that much those days, I found myself mainly stuck with stupid problems of data format.
How the heck am I gonna implement my sprite class, and my map files, and how do I organise my source files so that I have a nice working environment, and extension is actually possible, etc.

I spent ages designing the actual implementation of my data format (actually, most of the year), and somethng like a week to actually code it in C++...

Planning AHEAD is good. Spend ages on the paper is good. Tons of scrap notes, rough design, graphs, etc, can help, and is much much less frustrating than typing lines of codes, delete them, lines of codes, delete them, etc. It seems tahn most people would rather stick with a faulty design, try to fit it, make with the problems and think "well, at least it''s working", rather than start again from scratch.

you''re an amateur, that gives you the advantage than when something is wrong in what you are doing, the only person that is gonna suffer from it is you, and you only have to be blamed by your conscience, not by your boss, you colleagues,etc.
So don''t hesitate to be self critic, and especially, be honest with yourself. If you can''t be honest, you are starting on a bad basis... it''s the same problem as "drawing the line", when designing, there is somewhere where you have to say "stop", and jsut stop adding and adding, thinking that anyway you can do it. Be realistic.

Oh, and never give up, if you know why you wanna do this in the first place
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Well Newbie101, practically everything that''s been said here is the good stuff so i guess it all comes down to your interpretation of it now. Note:I especially agree with one major point that ahw said "BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF" the hardest thing about game design is being both bullheaded and open minded when needed.

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

Our Goal is "Fun"!
Thanks All. I guess my main question was, is there an exact way to design? But that has been answered. Thanks again.

I can''t help that I''m ignorant!
Proverbs 26:12------------------------------There is more hope for fools than people who think they are wise.
Hey Newbie, hope you haven''t stopped checking this - but I have one very good suggestion. Go out and grab the book Game Architecture and Design. Do it now. I don;t care if you hate reading - wade through this book. I read it myself and it is very well written and tells you how to properly design a game with a team. It goes through every design aspect step by step with a lot of case studies modeled after real-world experiences by the authors. Trust me, this book is the bomb for game design. Have fun

\\// live long and prosper; \||/ die short and rot.

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Yes I have been checking all my articles. Thanks for the advice. Only one problem, I''m outta cash for another week till I get payed. But I have had my eye on that book for a while, thanks.
Proverbs 26:12------------------------------There is more hope for fools than people who think they are wise.
I can understand you want to learn all you can about game design.

It is something that is very difficult if not impossible to do if you are not involved in the industry in some way or another.

You require upto date laymans knowledge of the technology and techniques used in making the games both on the code and art side of things.

I mean, a design is implemented by these people and if for instance you were designing....say a transfer system for a soccer game, a coder might appreciate a modular higherarchical system of decision making with lots of yes/no answers, as he could turn this into 1''s and 0''s and therefore code it. He certainly wouldn''t appreciate nicely writen airy fairy meaningless words on three sides of paper.

All this said, I am getting sick to the back teeth of people saying that being able to program is required or of benefit. Sometimes it is of no benefit whatsoever, programming and game design are different disciplines.

When was the last time Hideo Kojima programmed a game or Myamoto for that matter.

Game designing is about knowing the subject matter, the history of the genre of game you are designing (only by knowing the mistakes of the past can you hope to avoid them), knowing the difference between good and bad ideas and games. It is also about being able to present clear and logical ideas, quite often taking on board advice from people in there specialist fields or working with them.

If you want to know about game design and you want to get into it, get you foot in the door of the industry by becoming a tester. Work hard, become a lead tester and then apply for junior designer/lead tester/designer roles.

Go for it, you have nothing to lose if it''s your passion.

Ignore any detractic sarcastic comments, you''re trying to learn about something your interested in, since when was that something to be ashamed of.

Thanks kickoff. That helps alot. I do have the goal of becoming a tester. The only problem is I have to wait 2 more years till I''m 18 to get the job. UUGGHH!!! I hate being to young for stuff!
Proverbs 26:12------------------------------There is more hope for fools than people who think they are wise.
In the UK they have something called YTS, youth training schemes and just recently we have had quite a few guys your age working at our company and getting a feel for what it is all about.

I don''t know whether they offer such schemes in the US, if I were you I would see my teachers/lecturers and ask them whether there are any schemes that would allow you a work placement with a computer games developer for a short period of time so you can see if it is something you will want to take up once you are 18.

Whether you can do that or not, get stuck into as much literature as you can on the industry, not games magazines that just review games, but more technically minded mags.

This site will certainly help you as will the garmasuta site, even siggraph papers (www.siggraph.org) can help in learning about the industry. Although the later can be very technical if you search for... motion capture say, you will find one or two articals that will explane it for you in laymans terms. learning about appropriate issues that relate to the design you are intersted in, in laymans terms is invaluble.

In the meantime I will say this, think of design being represented by the human body. You have the bones and you have the flesh.

The bones come first, this is your design overview document or concept doc. In this you should have your vision, aims and objectives. Your ideas for the game in all areas, your modes of play etc.

Then you have your second document, your design document where you put flesh on the bones of all your ideas explaining in the most minute of detail everything you are going to do in the game.

Both documents are vitally important to good design, the first gives you the scope and direction of you would-be project.

e.g one part may be.. we''re going to use have a scenario mode in John Madden''s where you can select to play as a team at historic moments in American football history in order to re-create or change the outcome.

The second one goes on to say how that whole mode of play will work, what the moments from history will be, how the skill levels will alter, what secrets are ulocked by winning etc, "putting the flesh of design on the bones of concept".

My explanation is very basic, but hopefully it will give you an idea. It is not the definitive way in which to design, everybody works in different ways and the only thing that matters is that you are successful in what you do.

It is also worth knowing designing different types of games requires very different knowlege, knowlege of previous design work of that genre and often different technical knowledge.

E.g. Knowlege of 3d rendering, motion capture and animation systems wont be of much use to somebody designing a poker game for Mobile phones.

The skill of being able to flow chart heirarchical decisions in a modular way may help somebody designing a transfer system for a soccer game but such a skill will not help somebody working on designing a beat''em up.

So make sure that when you are reading about design that the information you are getting/being given whether it is technical or not can be applied to what you want to design...selecting the right information is vital.

I hope i have been of some help, again all the best.

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