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Generated vs. Crafted.

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14 comments, last by Ketchaval 23 years, 9 months ago
My name disappeared in the post about pseudo-random generators.
At one point I wanted to generate everything. Cars, cities, houses, people, even tables, chairs and glasses. Everything. But then I realized how much time it would take to make all those generators work fine, when you could easily model a couple of cars in a week. Even generating a city is a bit stupid, because you can model a cool city in few weeks anyway, and making a good generator would take *lots* of more time. And what about the players that want to create their own cities and model their own cars? You''ve gotta have a good editor for them in any case.

You also don''t want to have different world every time you start a new game. That would be odd for players (there was a good article about this in Gamasutra, why not to make new map every playtime). And it would be harder to make a good storyline because it should be totally dynamic/generated then.

Few good places to use a generator:
1) Nethack/Diablo-games with dull endless dungeons that would probably look the same even if they were hand-drawn. And in nethack you can''t reborn/load a savegame, so it''s quite necessary to have a new dungeon every playtime. This kind of generator is very easy to make.

2) Star-systems. These are very easy to generate and there must be millions of these. Endless amount. Of course these don''t have to be physically & astronomically that correct because the players won''t notice it anyway.

3) Making a huge terrain for a CRPG. Because terrain-generating is very easy to do. But then again, you''ll need to use the generator only once, so this may be also pointless. Why not just draw the height-map with Photoshop using "render clouds" or other similar filters? If you distribute your game on a CD or DVD, disk space isn''t a problem.

4) For finer details in world that would take ages to place by hand. I can''t think of a good example right now..

-Hans {home page} {e-mail}
The generators must of course be interconnected, but in a hierarchical sense.

Hierarchical: That''s a possible method that should be easier to debug and vary.

For a SF universe you''d have
Universe generation - just generates galaxies
==== Spiral
==== Oval
==== Spherical
==== Isolated
Galaxy generation - given the type of Galaxy && the balances between red:blue:yellow:white suns, generate a list of stars and their x,y,z locations
Planet Generation - given the type of sun, generate the different types of systems: blue will have a weighting of more gas giants and dirtballs, yellow will have more earth-type planets.
Resource Generation - given the atmosphere of a planet generate the resources

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I used to think that randomly crafted levels were a poor idea, because I thought that they wouldn''t be able to stand up to the level of graphic design & expression, and gameplay / experience that professional level design can give.

But recently I have begun to doubt that it MATTERS as much as it seems. WHY? Because when playing X-Com, which uses a bunch of pregenerated buildings / fields etc. but seems to meld them together in a semi-random way. Even if there is? a preselected range of environments that they have chosen, the placement of the Aliens, Ie. Gameplay tokens, has a random element to it.

I realised, as I hunted down aliens and blew holes in walls to gain strategic advantages, was that GAMEPLAY MATTERED MORE THAN "CRAFTED" SEMI-LINEAR LEVELS. More gameplay could be given by giving a decent range of weapons, allowing for different strategies and giving each encounter semi-random starting positions. AND the X-Com is also a very atmospheric game.

So I think that it is possible to get the best of both worlds, by combining atmosphere and some good characters + situations, with random elements which affect gameplay and give interest to exploration.

If the generators for the terrain & token placement are well programmed, and they have a large enough list of interesting content that can be seamlessly integrated, then games can be both interesting places to explore & provide excellent gameplay.
A little bit of insight I''ve picked up from asking people about the random levels in Nethack / Rogue-likes: If the gameplay is really fun and addictive, and you''re engaged, then setting-- as long as it doesn''t detract-- may well become subconscious in terms of the user''s experience.

I think people are only intently focused on something being randomly generated if it 1) interferes with the gameplay, esp. to make it boring or 2) if they''re aesthetes who don''t like the idea of things not being hand painted.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
The other thing that interested me was an innocuous comment about combining Ultima Underworld (witty characterisation -Trolls that want to have Wormy Stew like their mothers used to make - warring Goblin tribes, clever puzzles, most objects have a reason for existing, a history for the action which extends into the level design etc.) with Nethack ( random content with interesting things that you haven''t seen before appearing in many games).

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