
We have some options - what do you want to do?

Started by July 16, 2003 09:12 AM
76 comments, last by khawk 21 years, 1 month ago
3 also.
Definitely 3
3, but I''d like either a personal tag, or maybe Moderator for a Day (or longer if the winner behaves )
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
I vote #3 definitely
The 3rd option is better I think. Not only it gives the time to develop a bug free arena. Also gives the player the time to develop their bots without rushing to meet the deadline. This means higher quality of the bot AI and arena executable. Which have as result better battles(from AI view), better interface (eg Camera movement, recording… and maybe documentation to help new people start with the contest.
iam 4 option 1 but i have no problem if option 3 wins, except releasing the botsource before any price is given away, i dont want someone copy my code and beat my uber1337bot

I think option 3 is the best idea.

I'm for option 3 provided that there's gonna be another competition in the next 2 months as stated in option 2.

EDIT: I just read through the whole post and uh... option 3 is the winner

[edited by - liquidAir on July 17, 2003 7:07:47 AM]
Option 3 looks the most sensible choice. All the people that went for option 1 can start coding anyway, so I don''t understand why they''re complaining about having to wait.

I admit that my point of view may be biased by the fact that I didn''t care about the prize anyway
Nr3 is my option of choice.
As i just love to code and see how my work performs in competition there is no need for me to go for a price anyway. And cmon ppl, there is only one winner. the vast majority of us isn''t going to get any price.

I could live with option 1 too, but with "serious" competition involved frustration will spread among among those who work on systems that don''t run the software properly.

All i want to do now is code this damn bot, so please give us something to do soon!!
I''d much rather get a feel of what I''m in for (when programming the bots) before I go out and research some practical AI a bit | [email="matt[nospam]@pixelwrench[nospam]com"]email[/email] lethalhamster: gamedev keeps taking my money, but im too lazy to not let them

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