
Twister Q3D Is Now Open Source!

Started by June 26, 2002 03:57 PM
9 comments, last by GQA 22 years, 2 months ago
Our quake 3 clone engine Twister Q3D is now open source, so if anyone wants a quake 3 OPENGL rending engine than this is your lucky day. Go to and download the lastest version of Twister Q3D. The Twister Q3D Public license can be found in the zipped file or here so if anyone wants it go for it the same open source license applies to everyone read it before using the engine contact us if you need any help at Jerry L. Friend, GQA
Edit: Removed code. No reason for it to still be up.

[edited by - Martee on June 26, 2002 5:57:55 PM]
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
Seems to me our programmer Jerrit Hunter failed to tell us his source of information on the quake 3 clone, it seems our company needs to to a investigations on this matter thank you for your imput on this, we had no other programmers who could look at the source code for this information, we will take this matter to our lawyer today for submitting to the FBI for more help on this matter. As for now I will contact our VP and inform him of your findings. Thank you for your help.

Jerry L. Friend, GQA
We are not doing a investigation on the matter of the programmer Jerrit Hunter Of Wasilla, Alaska who for some reason may have failled to give us the truth about where and how the quake 3 clone engine came from. We found and visited the Aftershock web site and compared the code to code from what was given us but the programmer. Seems that Jerrit Hunter pulled a fast one on use so he is in big trouble. Happy to know that we never used the engine in the first place so at this time our company has pulled the files off our site at yahoo and are waitting for the local police in Alaska to find and question Mr. Hunter on this matter of possible copyright fraud. We thank the webmaster of this site for pointing this out. The only reason we didn''t use the engine in the first place was our other programmers who did not get a chance to look at the source code from the start were already working on a new DX rending engine project. Again thank you for your help.
We are not doing a investigation on the matter of the programmer Jerrit Hunter Of Wasilla, Alaska who for some reason may have failled to give us the truth about where and how the quake 3 clone engine came from. We found and visited the Aftershock web site and compared the code to code from what was given us but the programmer. Seems that Jerrit Hunter pulled a fast one on use so he is in big trouble. Happy to know that we never used the engine in the first place so at this time our company has pulled the files off our site at yahoo and are waitting for the local police in Alaska to find and question Mr. Hunter on this matter of possible copyright fraud. We thank the webmaster of this site for pointing this out. The only reason we didn''t use the engine in the first place was our other programmers who did not get a chance to look at the source code from the start were already working on a new DX rending engine project. Again thank you for your help. None of the source code from this engine was ever used in the creation of the new DX engine project thank god it wasn''t we would have been up the creek with out a ? you know the rest. Thanks guys.
You are quite welcome.

I hate to see someone use other people''s work without permission. I hope your programmer gets what he deserves.
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
So what''s the deal with the source? If you don''t want to say, that''s fine as well.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
Well it seems that the source was not the programmers in the first place. Our other programmers took a look at the Aftershock/ so called Twister Q3D and seen that it was writen with just the quake 3 demo in mind. And to the fact the programmer lied to us where we are concerned he did do us a favor. Our programmers got a good ideal from the code, but with out using it, it seems they we right all along on the new up coming engine they were working on. What do you say about a DX version of the openGL quake 3 Rending? they said they could do it with out using the code of information from the Aftershock/ so called Twister Q3D. But we tried to contact the Creater of the Aftershock from the email on his web site and the email came back seems the guy is no longer there. So where is this Steve Taylor? does anyone know we need to contact him on this matter even if it is out of our hands and in the hands of the Alaska Police of Wasilla AK. But hey who wants to help out with the new engine after it is writen? NO IDEAL on the name of what it will be maybe GENESIS QUAKERS? that is the game whom we have the game code license from WILDTANGENT to use. But we have lots of other options at our finger tips. So whos interested in helping out with the rest of the SDK after the new engine is done wrote. Buddy and his programmer friend seems to believe the rending of the new engine will be better than the new quake 4 engine that is coming out some. But it also will read and use MD3 models and quake 3 bsp maps that is so cool :D

Jerry L. Friend, GQA
Well it seems that the source was not the programmers in the first place. Our other programmers took a look at the Aftershock/ so called Twister Q3D and seen that it was writen with just the quake 3 demo in mind. And to the fact the programmer lied to us where we are concerned he did do us a favor. Our programmers got a good ideal from the code, but with out using it, it seems they we right all along on the new up coming engine they were working on. What do you say about a DX version of the openGL quake 3 Rending? they said they could do it with out using the code of information from the Aftershock/ so called Twister Q3D. But we tried to contact the Creater of the Aftershock from the email on his web site and the email came back seems the guy is no longer there. So where is this Steve Taylor? does anyone know we need to contact him on this matter even if it is out of our hands and in the hands of the Alaska Police of Wasilla AK. But hey who wants to help out with the new engine after it is writen? NO IDEAL on the name of what it will be maybe GENESIS QUAKERS? that is the game whom we have the full commercial game code license from WILDTANGENT to use, we even have graphics that were never used in the old game code also, it will become a quake 4 style game, with Qtracker intergrated into it whom the owen Ron Mercer has joined our group. But we have lots of other options at our finger tips. So whos interested in helping out with the rest of the SDK after the new engine is done wrote. Buddy and his programmer friend seems to believe the rending of the new engine will be better than the new quake 4 engine that is coming out some. But it also will read and use MD3 models and quake 3 bsp maps that is so cool :D So hey webmaster will you tell others about the GQA project it is getting larger everyday, we already have 7 people involved in this game project and still need more. INTERPLAY contacted me yesterday asking for more information on when a beta will be available I asked them where they got the infor and all they would say was someone from planetquake told them but how can I know they tell me the truth? oh well if we can get the work force needed then the demo can come out for them to review. So lets get rocking this project here. This is profit sharing on this first project and there after is paided contact work. :D

Jerry L. Friend, GQA

Jerry L. Friend, GQA
Why didn´t you notice the obvious "similarities" (this guy even stole the readme word by word!) between "TwisterQ3D" and Aftershock ?
I´ve seen your post on the Aftershock forum:

So you knew about Aftershock already at June, 14th. Besides that, nobody hinders you from using Aftershock, but since its released under GPL, you´ll have to release your sources, too. And you won´t be able to commercially exploit your product...


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