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Make it Shimmer, Make it Shine, apply that Polish!

posted in A Keyboard and the Truth for project 96 Mill
Published August 17, 2005
So I just came up with the first itteration of our 'help'

At the very least this will be provided in rich format in an HTML document with images to illustrate certain key things.

However I would really like to do a Tutorial, I guess we will see =/

Submitted for your approval, critique and whatever else:
Help Topics:-cursors	-the crown cursor means a controlled sequence is in progress, sit back and enjoy it.	-more cursors need to be added =/-moving	-left click a spot on the floor to walk to it.	-if morning does not walk to the spot she may be too far away, try somewhere closer.-doors	-to open a door walk near it and click it.	-if morning does not walk to the door and open it she may be too far away, move closer to the door.	-some doors are locked and cannot be opened, they may need a key or some event to happen.	-if you or an enemy is standing in the doorway the door becomes blocked and cannot be shut.	-spells can be cast under doors.-items	-to take an item from the ground click it.	-if morning does not walk to the item and take it she may be too far away, move closer to the item.	-if your inventory is closed the item is placed in it automatically if there is room.	-if your inventory is open the item is placed in your 'hand' and becomes your cursor.-inventory	-the 'I' key toggles your inventory.	-if you roll over an item it's attributes are displayed in the stats area	-left clicking an item if you have nothing in your hand will put the item in your hand	-left clicking an item if you have somthing in your hand will swap the items	-left clicking an empty inventory slot with an item in your hand will put the item in the slot	-right clicking potions make you drink the potion	-right clicking spell scrolls make you memorize the spell	-right clicking other types of items examine them-stats	-if your mouse is not over an inventory item morning's stats are displayed instead.	-experience: is knowledge and skill gained in combat	-next milestone: if your experience reaches this point you will be given 5 attribute points	-attribute points: these are points that can be applied to your attributes in 1 point increments	-vitality: the amount of life you can contain	-spirit: the amount of mana you can contain	-strength: your physical power that adds to your melee damage	-wisdom: your mental power that adds to your spell damage	-agility: your ability to attack and cast quickly	-melee damage: the least and most damage a single melee attack can do	-spell damage: the least and most damage a single spell attack can do	-protection: the amount of damage you can sustain before you are hurt	-a green stat means the value is increased by using this item	-a red stat means the value is decreased by using this item	-a blue stat means the attribute is currently being enhanced by an item	-a gold stat means the attribute value has been maxed-attribute points	-if there are no points to distribute the five arrows will be dark gray	-if there are points to distribute the five arrows will be blue (or gold if the stat is maxed)	-each time you click an arrow one point is added to the respective attribute	-a point distribution is final and cannot be changed-equipment	-items such as Rings,Bracelets,Crowns and Amulets can be worn to recieve thier effects	-equipment can be placed in thier respective slots above the inventory	-if an equipment item is red it means you do not have the apropriate stat levels to use it	-requirements are listed for equipment items in the stats area	-all artifacts are equipment items-spellbook	-the 'S' key toggles the spellbook	-spell construction requires that you have runes	-haliphen gives you your first two runes	-subsequent runes are gained by droping items into the mana well	-each spell must have at least two runes, one magic rune and one kinetic rune	-magic runes always precede kinetic runes	-multiple kinetic runes can follow a single magic rune	-two magic runes cannot be next to each other	-a spell cannot contain more than 12 runes in total	-each rune brings with it a mana cost adding to the total spell cost	-the close button closes the spellbook	-the erase button erases the current spell	-the save button creates a spell scroll and places it on the ground next to you	-spell scrolls can be memorized by right clicking the spell while it is in your inventory	-you can memorize only one spell at a time-people/objects	-left click on a person or object to interact with it	-to use an item on a person or object take the item in your hand and left click the person or object	-not all people or objects have meaningful interaction-melee battle	-when morning finally gets a weapon she can use it to attack enemies using left click	-when morning left clicks an enemy, that enemy becomes her target, she will follow and attack that enemy until it is dead.	-clicking on another enemy will switch her current target	-clicking elsewhere will disengage her current target	-melee battle does not interfeare with spell casting-spell casting	-when you have created a spell you can right click it while it is in the inventory to memorize it	-you can memorize only one spell at a time	-when a spell is memorized, right clicking an enemy or on the floor will cast the spell	-the spell will not cast if you do not have enough mana for the spell	-spell casting does not interfere with melee-the life and mana bars	-the red and blue bars are indicators for life and mana respectively	-they may be moved by clicking and draging their border around-the belt	-the 'S' and 'I' buttons on the left and right toggle the spellbook and inventory respectively	-the 9 numbered slots are hot-keyed inventory areas for spells and potions only	-an item in your hand may be placed in any of these slots(if the item is a spell or potion)	-pressing the coresponding number on the keyboard will drink the potion or memorize the spell-milestones	-milestones are met by increasing experience, which is done by killing enemies	-if a milestone is met you will gain 5 attribute points-purifying the well	-it takes many artifacts to purify the well	-if an artifact is dropped into the well your life and mana are restored, you gain 5 attribute points and most of the time you learn two new runes.-general tips	-save often	-spead your saves among a few different files, you may need to go back	-try not to save in the heat of battle, you might have already sealed your fate yet not know it	-while you can die, there are no puzzles designed to be unbeatable if you make a mistake	-pick up everything that isn't nailed down chances are you'll need it	-you might not have everything you need to solve a puzzle, go elsewhere and try another	-many puzzles require items from different areas	-some puzzles are designed to be easy, others very hard	-be sure to examine objects you find (right click while in inventory)	-puzzles can be fustrating, if your stuck take a breakand come back later	-many of the puzzles are non-linear (you can do them in any order) and you do not need to complete all of the puzzles to complete the game.	-the spell creation system is very robust, build spells that best suit your needs at the time.	-use the ability to attack and cast at the same time	-before going into battle be sure to bring supplies(life and mana potions)-potions	-life: restores 1/4 of your life - common	-mana: restores 1/3 of your mana - common	-vitality: gives +1 to vitality - rare	-spirit: gives +1 to spirit - rare	-strength: gives +1 to strength - rare	-wisdom: gives +1 to wisdom - rare	-agility: gives +1 to agility - rare
Previous Entry Day 3
Next Entry Day 4
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You could eliminate the "if morning does not walk to the door and open it, she may be too far away" with an in-game message on the console along the lines of "Too Far Away" when you are, in fact, too far from a door.
August 17, 2005 11:17 AM
Quote: However I would really like to do a Tutorial, I guess we will see =/

Tutorial would be very nice. :) (not to rub it in)

Just restructured (so I could read through everything) ;oP

Everything looks great.

Help Topics:
- Crown:
+ Controlled sequence in progress, sit back and enjoy it.
- Sword
+ Movement
- Left Click on Floor Tile to WALK
- If Morning does NOT walk, She may be to far away , try somewhere closer.
+ Attack
- Left Click on Target to ATTACK
+ Spell
- Right Click to CAST
- Others

+ Stand near door, Left Click to Open
+ If Morning does NOT open door, she may be too far away, move closer to the door or try to stand directly infront.
+ If you OR an enemy is standing in the doorway, the can NOT shut the door.
+ Spells CAN be casted in Doorways
+ Go Through, and watch your back, enemies may follow
+ Search for a Key
+ ... Perhaps it is part of a Puzzle? Search my friend.

+ Pick up items by Left Clicking on the TILE that it sets.
+ If Morning does NOT walk to the item, she may be too far away, move closer.
+ Press 'I' key to Toggle Inventory
+ Left click 'I' on your belt to Toggle Inventory
+ If closed, Item is placed automatically.
+ If opened, Item is placed in your 'hand' and becomes your cursor.

+ Experience: Is knowledge and skill gained in combat
+ Next Milestone: If experience reaches this point you will be awarded 5 attribute points
+ Attribute Point: Can be applied to your attributes in 1 point increments
+ Vatality: The Total amount of Life
+ Spirit: The total amount of Mana
+ Strength: Physical Power that adds to your melee damage
+ Wisdom: Mental power that adds to Spell Damage
+ Agility: Ability to attack/cast Quickly
+ Melee Damage: Least/Most damage a single attack will do
+ Spell Damage: Least/Most damage a single spell attack will do
+ Proection: Amount of damage you can sustain before you are hurt
+ Green Stat: Value is increase by using this item
+ Red Stat: Value is decreased by using this item
+ Blue Stat: Attribute is currently being enhanced by an item
+ Gold Stat: Attribute value has been maxed
+ If your mouse is NOT over an inventory item, Morning's stats are displayed.
+ Roll cursor over an Item to view attributes in the item status area, located in the center of the Inventory.
+ Left clicking an item if you have NOTHING in your hand will PLACE that item in your hand.
+ Left clicking an item if you have SOMETHING in your hand will SWAP the items.
+ Left clicking an empty inventory slot with an item in your hand will put the item in that selected slot.
+ RIGHT clicking potions will drink that potion
+ RIGHT clicking spell scrolls make you memorize that spell
+ RIGHT clicking other types of items will examine them.

-- I'll have to read through the rest here in a bit. Need to go do something.
August 17, 2005 01:02 PM
Looks really good! Could use an overhaul in the structure! If you want me to take that and retype it/reword it a little, let me know.
August 17, 2005 01:03 PM

yeah I wanted to do that, but some people thought it would be annoying after a while. It was done in older classic adventure games, perhaps we should bring it back!? (comments?)


any help I can get would be great =D
August 17, 2005 03:05 PM
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