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Thought of new gameplay features

posted in A Keyboard and the Truth for project 96 Mill
Published May 20, 2005
So last night, while Zac and I were taking a break(we need one now and then for our sanity) to talk about how cool it will be once MW is finished.

I had mentioned to Zac, my concern about the castle maps having lots of empty rooms, which nearly nothing to do in most of them.

Zac agreed that it did seem like a waste of space, and we should fill it with somthing more interesting than a couple of chairs and candles.

But What!?

Just then, as if the game gods had answered my prayers, It came to me.

One thing that the castle maps are missing, is the concept of trapped Leowyn civilians. There should definetly be some that survived and are now awaiting rescue.

So the goal will be to bring hostages (one by one, or in a group if you want) and lead them to the stairs where they will flee down to the safety of the great hall.

There is a problem though =)

Certain hostages(kids,the old, etc), are pretty slow, and if some ashidians find you, they are going to kill you both =)

So you must be stealthy (especially with the slow ones)

We will offer controls for:

Click first time - introduction and 'follow me'
Click again - 'wait here'
Click again - 'follow me'

so on and so forth...

This will allow you to make some tactical decisions, for instance if you see a bunch of enemies, you can duck into a room, make them wait there, leave and close the door, fighting the enemies without worrying, etc.

What do you get for all this hastle?

Upon saving a hostage, they will randomly give you either:

A randomly generated equipment item they 'found' =)
A potion of attribute augmentation they 'found'

so it is a potentially good way to boost your stats and or get a nice piece of equipment.

This is a totaly new facet of gameplay for MW, and i'm glad for that, we want the game to be as fun as possible =)
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Quote: One thing that the castle maps are missing, is the concept of trapped Leowyn civilians. There should definetly be some that survived and are now awaiting rescue.

So the goal will be to bring hostages (one by one, or in a group if you want) and lead them to the stairs where they will flee down to the safety of the great hall.
Here's the first quote for the back of the box.

"It's Lord of the Rings meets Choplifter."
May 20, 2005 10:34 AM
GDNet member shouts -"I gotcha Gahndalf! No falling into the abyss for you!"

Indie Gamez0r - "It's the most fun I've had since my 12:00 root canal!"

1337 h4x0r - "I wanted more Ninjas, Pirates, Robots, and Zombies."

someguy - "Not worth the bandwidth it sailed in on."

leave it to johnhattan to spoil my fun.[grin]
May 20, 2005 11:53 AM
You two should get your own morning talk show. [lol]

I like the idea of rescuing lesser mortals. Keep up the good work!
May 20, 2005 12:09 PM

Glad you like the new gameplay addition, I was kinda worried it would seem too, gameplay-not-connected-with-story, but I think it is neccisary, since we dont want the player to feel they are in a vacume with nothing to lose by not rescuing thier kingdom.

As for the talkshow idea...

-"Today on the Raymond & John show..." <-note the ordering [grin]
-"Engine Building!"

Raymond: I think it is okay for an indie developer to build his/her own game engine as long as they realize what they are getting into and the implications of that.

John: Indie Engine Development is sick, and anyone who trys to rationalize it is sick as well.

Raymond: Profound [grin]

-"This was another installation of the Raymond & John show"
-"Next week: GDI vs. D3D: david and goliath? or Rocky and Mr.T?"

hehehe =)
May 20, 2005 01:29 PM
You're making fun of me. I'm leaving forever.

Okay, I won't.
May 20, 2005 03:50 PM
May 21, 2005 08:24 AM
This game has everything!!
May 21, 2005 11:04 AM
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