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Drafting a real time (simulated) ARPG combat system (long-post, details and link to table) #design

Published September 21, 2020

Originally, the plan was to fix up some of the bugs (which I quickly did already) that seemingly crippled the already in-place climbing system. Then move on with completing the stamina system (currently it only covers ground movements, have a video about it if interested). However, as I was remaking the last showcase video (for last entry's, faking an encounter), it suddenly became clear where the project should be heading; and as such, I started working drafting out the combat system. Because of the nature of such gigantuous task, there will be more frequent updates (not just one major at the end) on how the project going, as I'd like to also get your "live" feedback and suggestions on this matter more so than usual. That being said, the following is just an early design draft, and merely an attempt of creating something out from the blue. As the goal is to create an intuitive, fun and reinvigorative gaming experience.

[You'll find the current draft as an attachment below (above the image), to see where the project stands at the moment. Also, this blog entry is going to be more of a discussion, with lots of text, and be less compelling than usual–sorry. However, I've also provided several links to previous content, to have a better understanding where this system is heading.]

Design goals (in no order of importance)

  1. The primary goal is to create an ARPG game that is paced (also "merely" in a concept phase thus far; might change if-see-fit) somewhere between the mid-range of combat-speed (speaking of enemy engagement): Not too-slow as in 1-to-1 games (like Dark Souls clones), but not as bonkers as Path of Exile for example (it can become really daunting/confusing to see what you're hitting at some points in the game, due to it's speed). Despite the fact that I'd love to see a more advanced, close combat (dueling) system (like in Kingdom Come: Deliverance), the Top-Down aspect of EOTH simply forbids that: It just wouldn't be practical to implement; not without a 1st or 3rd person, or over the shoulder view. However, I do hope that by setting the pacing this early (also from the concepts I was talking about a year ago or so), the project will have (the) room for escalating or decreasing the level of action faced in the future; either by fine-tuning parts of the system, or by utilizing combo's (as discussed previously in those concept entries). The latter one was also there from the get-go, as I'd love to see how timed events could change the way you play the game (as in not forcing you to abide to the strict rules of having to rely on precise/fast combo hits: slow or fast would have their own merits; combat is not 100% about agility and rush; there's room for tactics as well).
  2. The ultimate goal is to create a semi-realistic simulator: Small Scale Battle Simulation (SSBS), again due to the nature of top-down games, as I touched on this beforehand, thus giving some form of leeway to "AI" control (perhaps it'll be more advanced than just a couple of random integers in a range). This is something that is both challenging, exciting and daunting at the same time; personally as well, as I've never-ever done such a thing (but conquering the insurmountable has never stopped me before; nor will this time). Obviously this is one of the major, if not key aspects of this combat system: As the player is "technically" just an overseer of their in-game character, some forms of automation is (definitely) required; in order to turn the combat into something more engaging (as in fun to participate in, or watch; and not just be done with it by a single click of a button). For this to happen, some of the intuitive decisions have to be guessed–*cough* I meant calculated–or done by the character themselves: choosing from which angle to attack from (after issuing the attack command), or how to tackle multiple enemies in close combat, etc. However, the aim here isn't all about full automation (think of Totally Accurate Battle Simulator for example), rather just a support for more immersive combat scenarios.
  3. Which brings us to the question of hitting the enemy: The case of 100% hit scenarios (if preconditions are met) are the backbone of this system. Just in the table below (in the current draft anyways), it's being planned that most of the time, the player will hit an enemy with a 100% certainty, and from that point forward will be decided, how much damage should be dealt. The "chance of hitting" is something that I found frustrating at times (questioning as to why cannot my character hit something that is right in-front; rather than asserting how much damage it could've dealt), and also read about, as to why it should be abolished entirely; thus I'm sticking to this decision.
  4. Obviously, the goal is to make an easy (as in intuitive) and flexible game, where One can utilize their skills in order to progress (e.g., using combos set by the player, accompanied with the mouse gestures). I'll be attempting to find that sweet-spot of giving the player enough freedom and customization (much like with weapon, armor and tool crafting), in order to enjoy the repetitive game loop, but be also aided by cleverly placed mechanics underneath the hood.
  5. More "advanced" equations and relations for calculating damage on a case-by-case basis will be implemented. This comes from the need of a more accurate simulation, which inheritably requires more maths to solve (above using simple equations anyway). Some of the advanced calculus (or at least the beginning of it) can be found in the table below; under the "combat principles/notes".
  6. Optimization: Tied to the previous, will aim to have a horizontal distribution of tools and methods, for reaching your goal, rather than a vertical one (which weapon/gear combo is the best); ultimately trying to limit meta-gaming as much as possible; and make use of older content, or make your gear feel more precious.
  7. Big part of this system is randomization for values (e.g., in range, or if conditions are met); hopefully to give a challenge even at maximum levels. You see the idea of having exact levels and stats is something that I'm also thinking of abolishing entirely, as at this stage of the game, as I'm not 100% sold on the idea of knowing exactly how much a weapon can damage is useful for the player (putting RPG aside). Don't get me wrong, knowledge is a powerful thing, but as calculations will be based on more complex computations (and consequently on more variables), giving you a number would be (nearly) impossible (as it's calculated real time). I also kind of like the idea of only knowing that, let's say, an iron sword (with X amount of weight) has the ability to cut X amount of things (in layman's terms of course).
  8. Decay and the condition of your gear will play a huge part as well, as it'll also alter your ability to combat. Example: weapon sharpness (edge) decay, or overall material fatigue from tear-and-wear (note that these two are separate occurrences). And there's the condition and fitness level of your character as well . . .
  9. Emphasis on unique weapons and gears, on the expense of not making EOTH into a loot-hoarder's dream, is something that I'm looking forward to (also to differentiate the game from other ARPGs); and subsequently numb you with pointless drops that will only benefit you for a short period of time. Rarity is also there to enforce player made content (tools and equipment), to be in a better spotlight. You'll be repairing more, than upgrading your gear–that's for sure.
  10. The next one comes from the previous: The weight of carrying things will be limited, despite the fact that I had no intentions on doing this (having designed massive, searchable inventory for EOTH beforehand for example). However, as loot will be much less of an issue (I hope), I think it'll work out (if not, things could be adjusted accordingly at any time).

Design details

  1. Even the chance of having an encounter will heavily depend on several variables, not just line of sight (partially from previous concepts). Currently, the idea is that each enemy will have its own set of prerequisites, before entering combat. These would include things such as: Deciding to engage or not (based on guessing their own and the attacker's abilities), favoring group or solo mechanics, relying on other tactics (such as hiding, or using the environment for their advantage), having enough battle experience, status of health, special characteristics that favor certain types of actions, and so forth. Ultimately, if well executed (fingers crossed), the player will notice that fights are more challenging than usual, and more rewarding as well.
  2. The chances of hit will depend on numerous factors, these are so far: Agility, dexterity, carried weight (playing with the idea of using something like a roman sarcina), combat fatigue, level of fitness, well-restedness, buffs, enemy reaction time, uniqueness, special abilities/traits, combat experience (low experience contributes to be more reckless, whilst high to more tactics), circle of awareness. Furthermore, will depend on weather conditions (e.g., slippery mud, in heavy rain), terrain, or wildcard events such as: misclicking :) (one of my favorite gimmicks), weapon malfunction, sudden debuff/pain effect, natural occurrences, vis major, and other distractions. All chances and details are listed in the table below. The purpose of introducing elements (outside of combat), is to give the player a sense of urgency and attention as to where and what's happening around them, whilst in combat. Obviously, with the intention of not making it bothersome, rather an added element of surprise (on both sides of opponents), or difficulty if you will, to cater to the gameplay-loop further.
  3. On attacking: variables such as intimidation, hit resistance (e.g., creature type), armor type/level/quality, force of impact, type of penetration (superficial, wound or laceration; where there's a chance of both first two levels turning into worse), targeted body part (no plan for severing limbs at the moment; visually), evasion rate, etc. Would note that attack speed will depend on reaction time (and/or agility), thus cannot be surpassed by weapon stats alone.
  4. Health decrease will come with its own penalties as it lowers over time, again affecting both sides of opponents, to effect weapon handling, agility, and damage. In battle, the player might experience that their foes are either calling for their auxiliaries, or look for cover to retreat.
  5. Circle of awareness (line of sight): When in close combat, there'd be the chance to either block (absorb, or deflect 0-100%, 100% being self-hit for player if deflected; although rare, heavily dependent on combat type (close, mid or ranged), and in special cases/abilities)), do nothing (pass through blocking to armor only, or other means of protection, or simple hit resistance), or evade entirely (percentile chance from 0-100%).

Link to the table

So currently, this is where the combat system is at the moment, and as discussed previously, notes and suggestions are more than welcome! Take care and stay safe.

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