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Redesigning, Rewriting, and Refactoring

posted in Septopus for project Unsettled World
Published November 29, 2018

So I spent several months there just writing code like an insane monkey with a caffeine addiction...  I'm spending the week cleaning house and making sure all my ducks are in a row to continue implementing the new story objectives that I wrote up.  There's a LOT of code in this pile that doesn't even really apply anymore.

I had built a pretty solid mining claim system so the open world could regulate access to the mining resources.  That's not exactly necessary for this segment of the story, so all of that got commented out today.  As well, I had a Land Deed system in place that won't see the light of day for quite some time.  These were each several hundred lines of code both on the server side AND on the client side.

It actually feels good to have those bits of code on ice for the moment.  They really are features that aren't going to be even remotely useful until I have a large player-base and a story-line that encourages that kind of activity.  Not there yet.

I've also been working on the UI, re-aligning the theme to match the new story line.  It's just a start, but I already like it more.


As you can also see, the spheres I was using for testing out the NPCs are now replaced with the first actual NPCs, RepairBots!!  They're pretty lame so far, just following around the player, with only one speed of animation atm, so it looks pretty funny when the character is running and the npc is speedwalking behind it.

I've also been working on the UDP network protocol bits, that whole bit of code will look a little different here in a few days.  Because I'm terribly strange and I enjoy working with strings, sometimes I'll prototype things using them...  And sometimes, most of the time, I keep using them for a little too long... ;) I'm pretty much done with my prototyping now.   So now it's time to do away with all the strings I tied it all together with.  Truthfully I should have converted it all over to byte[]'s a while ago, before I had so many methods to re-touch..  But such is my process.. hahahaha!!

The good news is, it was pretty easy to build secondary code paths where necessary so I can run the string based net protocol right beside the new byte[] based one.  Well, so long as the transition is under-way anyhow.  I'll have no need for the string version when I'm done.

So, yeah, more NPC fun, UI redesigns, and net-code rewrites..  That's my life! :D

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Nice. :) I like the Repair Bots. :D 

Do you have plans to have world crafting and items built by the community?

November 29, 2018 05:24 AM
1 minute ago, Rutin said:

Nice. :) I like the Repair Bots. :D 

Do you have plans to have world crafting and items built by the community?


That has always been a Primary mechanic I wanted in the game.  I'm still working out how to conceptualize how most of it will work.  I've got the basics of structure crafting already functional(using morph-able cubes), and a road crafting system roughly prototyped, needs some tweaking of angles between the segments and such here and there. 

Next I need to work on robot and robot parts crafting..  That's gonna be a HUGE one.. heh.

I'll need a weapons system too, craftable, interchangeable parts, that kind of thing...  Maybe that will be integrated into the bot parts crafting category, dunno..  I'd like to have human characters show up at some point, so I suppose regular weapons would be re-usable. ;)  Lots of things to decide on yet.

Then I dunno.. Suggestions?  What would you like to make in a game like this? 

November 29, 2018 05:37 AM

Very cool! :) I would love to see a blueprint system where the community can craft custom things, and as you combine different blueprints you can make different items. I've always dreamed of a dynamic crafting system that players can actually invent the very items used in the world.

November 29, 2018 05:41 AM
1 minute ago, Rutin said:

Very cool! :) I would love to see a blueprint system where the community can craft custom things, and as you combine different blueprints you can make different items. I've always dreamed of a dynamic crafting system that players can actually invent the very items used in the world.

Get out of my head. 


Not saying I know how to do it yet, but I've been approaching it from that angle..  It's not an easy one to figure out.

That is though, why I've got the full periodic table of elements as my in-game resources. ;)

My ultimate goal is to base the crafting system on a very very basic conceptualization of physics and chemistry...  Obviously, it would have to be terribly over-simplified and incredibly inaccurate(or just totally fake), but I think it could be quite unique and fun if it was really functional.

I might introduce some kind of "magical future element" that will make normal matter do fun stuff and base all the crafting on bizarre procedurally generated interactions with the strange new material.  I've already got that in a way with the robot MagCores, need to explain those too...  Hmm..  That might be a decent way to do it without having to worry about science buffs getting annoyed with my BS. ;)

So, we'll see how it goes.  haha!

November 29, 2018 05:54 AM

I'm looking forward to seeing how this develops! :) 

November 29, 2018 06:10 AM
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